Chapter 349

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When the trio entered the other guestroom, all attention focused on them. More specifically, the deity whose appearance was absolutely breathtaking like usual. It was almost as if he was becoming even more stunning every day. Could that be because he was gradually approaching maturity as a God? If so, just how gorgeous would he be when he finally became an adult God?


Excited smiles were on his flock's faces as they each waited their turn to finally receive a proper hug or kiss from their guardian. Each one having come to crave such subtle acts of love. Soon it was the dark elves' turns. To their father's surprise, every single one of them was undisguised even though they were definitely wearing their divine items. His pupils shook at this sight. Even their instructor was undisguised with a small soft smile on her lips.

"Are you all planning to go out like this?"

Exchanging a look with his mixed blooded brothers and sisters, his 7 years old son nervously confirmed the redhead's suspicions. Fear and resolve were in his black irises.

"If Noona is going to reveal herself, then so are we."

A familiar hand clung to his clothes drawing his attention to the boy he had saved and adopted back on Sha-Orlen. Just the act of clinging onto him seemed to soothe the small child. While the noble was looking down at her brother, the young brunette confidently declared.

"Papa will protect us."

Multiple nods came from her siblings. As if it was an undisputed fact they all believed in. One which would not change no matter how old they got or where they lived. With a proud grin on her lips, the sun kissed dragon pet the heads of the children around her while openly declaring.

"That's right, Sweeties. Your Papa will protect you from all the racist Humans."

<Of course I will.>


"Love is the most ruthless when someone tries to harm his precious ones."

"My Lord's protection is without a doubt greater than any mortal force."

Dyed red-browns shot towards the holy necromancer who had her hands clasped in prayer.

<S***! Has Mary been spending too much time around the elves and Jack?!>

Amusement shone in his fiance's sky blues when they saw the youth's pupils shaking at the sight of his own Holy Maiden worshiping him.

"I think most nobles in Roija and hopefully in Roan have learned by now not to upset you, Cale."

His remark caused a malicious smirk to spread across the silver eyed holy man's face.

"Your Highness. I believe His Supreme Eminence simply taught those lowly fleas their much needed lesson. Wouldn't you agree, Cage?"

Instead of a verbal response, the short haired priestess raised a half empty wine glass prior to downing its entire contents. Dark circles marred the flesh under her eyes. Anyone could tell she was exhausted since she had to listen to her annoying lord complain non-stop the entire night.

-Why can't that f***ing bastard just shut up about the amount of d**n work he has to do... Does he not realize that I'll seriously convert if he keeps this up?! F***ing s***!

<Sounds like Ruslan gave her a hard time again.>

Suddenly, a firm knock rang out on the guestroom door. Announcing the arrival of their escort to the banquet hall where they'd be having their breakfast alongside Roija's royalty.

"Yay!! Breakfast time!"

Before anyone could stop him, the younger kitten raced over and opened the door. Startling the butler on the other side in the process.

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