Chapter 266

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Gasps of awe slipped from their lips when an open area surrounded by tall pristine white marble pillars adorned with detailed carvings of vines, flowers, and various animals. There were no visible walls in the space directly surrounding the platform. Only stone paths and archways which led to the various sections of the grand palace. All eyes focused on the 'blind' Holy Maiden who was supposed to guide them throughout the wondrous building.

"Would you like to view the kitchen, bedrooms, library, art rooms, armory, training grounds, laboratory, temple, playroom, office, ballroom, dining hall, garden, lake, or treasury first?"

Silently, the group exchanged looks with those around them before turning to the God of Love hoping he'd make the decision for them. Several tiny stomachs growled before he could even respond to the woman's question. His second youngest's ears were a dark pink while his slightly older hyungs quickly declared.

"Food! Food!"

"Let's eat, Papa!"

Chuckling at how cute his kids were, the 19 years old turned back towards the newest addition to his group and instructed.

"Take us to the lake first so we can have a picnic. We'll decide where to go next while we eat."

"Very well. Please follow me."

Excitement and curiosity radiated out of his young flock as they strolled along the path which led them to and through a wing filled with lots of blue decor and aquatic themed paintings. Along the way, they passed a peaceful looking marble fountain shaped like a large water lotus flower.

"Each of the sections of this palace are separated based on an element. This is the Water Wing while the one we started in is the Wood Wing. You can find the library in the Earth Wing, the ballroom in the Air Wing and the armory in the Fire Wing."

<Amna must've been the one who decided the organization of things.>

A hand tugged on the Holy Maiden's long sleeve prior to his white haired daughter querying.

"Where is the playroom located?"

"All art rooms, the medical office and the playroom are found within Water. Learning spaces such as the laboratory and classrooms are within Earth. You can reach the training grounds through Fire. Social spaces and places for outsiders to stay are in Air. Wood is the main family's living space with the top floor being for His Supreme Eminence. Knights and servants can find their rooms in the Fire Wing."

Numerous sparkling gazes peered back towards the portion of the building they had just left in rapidly growing intrigue. For the first time in their lives they would have a playroom!

<Looks like the playroom will be our next destination.>

It took a few minutes, but at last a massive crystalline body of water came into view. Multiple rare species of trees lined the opposite side of its shoreline. Standing just underneath the protection of their leafy boughs was a family of five deer who were enjoying the tranquil atmosphere as well. Soft smiles formed on a few adults' faces when they saw the youngest of the three fawns struggling to stay standing while it drank from the lake.


Shouted one of the Blue Wolves in glee. His gaze moved from the raven haired swordmaster to the immortals before at last landing on his father. Would they be able to keep them as pets?

"Can we name them, Papa?"

When each of his kids looked at him in hopeful expectation, he had no choice except to agree.

"Mmm. Why not? They'll be living here with us after all."

Squeals of happiness came from the youngest half of his flock as the kids gathered to discuss the potential names of the cute animals. Most of the adults had expected the deity's response and were pleased by it. Now if only he would give himself the same freedom and luxuries he did his children. Very quickly, the orange haired butler located the most optimal spot for them to set out the blankets for their picnic. While he guided the other servants in setting up the space, the 19 years old recorded everything around him. All three members of the Whale tribe splashed their now bare feet in the cool water as their siblings talked.

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