Chapter 217

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There was a very brief moment of silence when they arrived in the deity's room. Taking this as an opportunity to escape being lectured, the youth started to head to his bed, but was stopped by a golden barrier. His pupils shook at this sight. Hastily, he turned to face the golden dragon who pointed to the sitting area. This only added to the 18 years old's frustration. Why couldn't they just let him do what he wanted?


Dyed red-browns focused on the assassin whose hand was extended as if to tell him to hand over the magic device and the violet haired holy man's spatial pouch. A scary benign smile was on his lips. Swiftly, the redhead moved his arm behind his back and took a step backwards.

"I'm tired from the meeting. Can we talk after I rest for a bit?"

He could see a merciless sheen in the older immortal's eyes.

"Choi Han. Please inform my grandchildren that they will be able to see their father later."

<You aren't listening to me!>

Nodding in understanding, the raven haired swordmaster glanced at his liege sadly before hurrying out of the room to complete his task. Both of the brunets could sense that the noble was annoyed. Divine energy was rapidly increasing and fluctuating around him. Was he even aware of the amount he'd been releasing when he left Count Wheelsman's residence?

"I want to be alone."


Instantly, the bracelet he had been wearing to disguise himself shattered. At the same time, a suffocating pressure filled the room which caused the Saint's legs to give out. Even the eldest present struggled to remain standing. They could see the God of Love's eyes were glowing.

"Stop treating me like a f***ing child!"

The walls quaked while the windows creaked in response to the powerful force coming from the enraged youth. All of the servants panicked and fled from the main building in terror. Only a few took the time to try and coax their lord's kids to safety. To their dismay, none of the children would go with them. Not even the youngest duo. Was this a normal occurrence for them?

"I am 18 years old! D**n it! Why can't you just f***ing let me do what I want?!"

<If I want to sleep, spend time with Alberu or be alone then I should be able to do that!>

Liquid light dripped from his balled up hands.

"You promised that you wouldn't ignore my feelings!"

Exchanging a look with his firstborn, the torture expert briskly assisted the mortals out of the room and down to the stairs. Once he confirmed that the rest of their family was safe, the chef grabbed some sweets from the kitchen and returned to his brother's bedroom.

While his eldest was gone, the assassin slowly approached the youth whose pale cheeks were stained with multicolored radiance. He needed to do something or the boy would end up hurting himself even worse than he already had. His heart ached due to his son's distress. It was clear that he had pushed the sensitive child way too much. However, the redhead did not seem to listen to their wishes or consider their feelings whenever he chose to do things. Since words did not appear to be working, they had decided to use actions instead.

"Listen, Cale. It's-"

"No! You're the one who needs to f***ing listen to me! I'm an adult! An adult! Why the f*** can't you just accept that already?"

The sound of the door reopening could be heard amongst the deity's yelling. Stealthily, the head of the Molan Household activated the divine item he had received while they were at the God of Life's temple. Then he pulled the crying noble into a tight embrace. Stroking the other's back, he peeked over at his firstborn who had a concerned expression on his face.

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