Chapter 376

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Weeks flew by very quickly after the God of Love returned to the underground palace. During that time, the year ended and a new one started. With its beginning, the now 20 years old deity held a joint birthday party for his entire flock. All of his family and those of their allies who knew his secret were invited to attend. Especially since the God of Judgment's Holy Maiden would be making her debut as an adult during it. That entire day was spent dancing, eating cake, playing games and of course spoiling the noble's adorable children.

Even more days passed after the birthday celebration. Most of which was spent by the youth in the gardens of his palace reading the sacred tomes he received from the God of Life. All of the final war preparations he was responsible for had been arranged and completed. Including the relocation of the families of the servants employed by the deity into the underground village or the now fully restored Harris village.

Additionally, he had formed two auxiliary organizations. Ones which could not be traced back to Amare or the Kipling Merchant Group.

First was Prema which consisted of agents known as Larks, Cranes and Canaries. Larks were tasked to purchase or open orphanages all over the world. While Larks provided children with shelter, Cranes focused on distributing food, supplies or medical care to the homeless. Canaries on the other hand were focused on cleaning the slums of all forms of filth. Including living scum.

His second auxiliary organization was called Amparo. It consisted of various experts from within Amare who wanted to focus on creating chaos for Arm and their allies. Each member donning horribly made Arm uniforms over top properly made ones when they raided corrupted nobles or merchants. However, this group was only publicly known by a nickname. One which was rapidly becoming infamous throughout the entirety of the Eastern continent. They were: The Real Arm.

Before anyone realized it, the second month of the 783rd year had arrived.

Happy giggles came from God of Love's flock who were running along the shores of the Lake of Peace. Each one was attempting to escape their Whale siblings who were playfully splashing them while transformed into their beast forms. Nearby, their guardian was relaxing atop a pile of plush pillows that had been set out on one of the blankets. He was enjoying some freshly baked cookies as he recorded them playing and listened to his adoptive father's report.

"Letters have been sent to both Plavin Singten of the Singten Merchant Guild and the fraud who is impersonating the Bishop assigned to Caro by the Church of the Sun God."


Movement drew the 20 years old's attention towards the little panther mutant. Beautiful rose colored irises peered up at him in silent anticipation. Shifting back a little, he motioned for her to join him. Eagerly, she buried herself into the pillows surrounding him. Yawning as she was lulled to sleep by his body heat and the gentle stroking of his hand on her head. Undisguised silverish emeralds observed the weak child whose appearance had been interpreted as a curse by her tribe. Resulting in the deaths of her parents and their blood relatives. Only she, her brothers and their cousin had managed to escape and survive. Although two of them secretly resented her.

<Have the rumors we had spread born fruit?>

"Indeed. As you expected, Freesia has finally received an invitation for the leader of the Kipling Merchant Group. Three VIP rooms will be prepared and reserved for you at the upcoming Beast People themed auction at the Golden Tree Casino."

This news delighted the noble whose lips twitched in an attempt to curl up into a mischievous smirk. Selecting another cookie from the platter next to him, the youth instructed.

"Perfect. Send the necessary information to my prey. Then contact Billos and have him meet me in Vegas City in three days' time."

"Ho? You are planning to use the Bastard of Flynn to carry out such business?"

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