Chapter 381

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Nimbly, the God of love returned to his own balcony where his immortal and the bastard of Flynn were waiting. Upon undoing his disguise, both men focused on him with unspoken curiosity in their eyes. Papers were spread out in front of the merchant with various notes and confirmations regarding to which had been successfully purchased so far. So far every single requested item which had appeared in the auction had been obtained. This sight delighted the 20 years old who couldn't wait to see his kids' reactions when he gifted them to them. Unintentionally, the corners of his mouth twitched in a failed attempt to curl up into a smile. Strolling past the duo, he altered his disguise back to his normal human appearance and instructed.

"I have to head out shortly for another meeting. Only contact me if it's an emergency."

Two nods confirmed the pair understood. Briefly, the noble made eye contact with the man who raised him. Just long enough to pass on a secondary request.

<Send someone to monitor my prey. Capture them if they attempt to flee Caro. One owes me 48 billion counds while the other 20 billion.>


Amusement and pride shone in the assassin's dark browns. He could easily imagine the fear and anger both of his son's targets had expressed upon accumulating such debt. Placing his hand over his heart, the patriarch of the Molan Household respectfully lowered his head towards his youngest while saying.

"May the Gods bless your travels."

-I shall take care of matters here. Make certain you eat lunch and stay safe.

<There's no reason to say something so obvious.>


Chills instantly raced down his back. Well aware of the expression on his adoptive father's face, the God of Love hastily scurried into the small connecting room. Pausing momentarily to calm himself, the redhead felt prickling along his exposed skin. Causing his gaze to shoot up towards the sitting area. Where he discovered the indigo dragon staring at him mid bite into a raspberry turnover. Pretending not to see him, the God of Love stoically walked over to the bed and began to change into the semi formal attire his father had set out for him earlier.

<Why the f*** is Alaric here right now? Wasn't he dealing with Hunter business today?>

Undisguised reptilians stealthily continued to observe the noble as he undressed. Only averting when the door opened a little and a dagger clad in multicolored divine energy was launched towards him. Murderous blood thirst flowed through the crack. Confirming that the assassin was monitoring their entire interaction. Warning him that he'd die if he dared to touch his puppy of a son. Yet the instant that the God of Love turned back around, the door quietly closed. As if it had never been opened in the first place. Seriously, how could a former human be so frightening?

Cautiously, the head of the Ione clan peeked over at the God of Love. Purples widened when he saw how beautiful he looked. Long blood red locks twisted into a simple braid as they fell down his back. Drawing attention down to his outfit. Traces of collarbone were visible underneath a white vest with gold trim and a deep blue dress shirt. Gradually, his gaze traveled lower as he blatantly took in everything. Even the subtle way the pair of white dress pants hugged the deity's slender waist. All the way down to the gloves which barely covered the other's soft palms.

"I don't have much time. Speak."

Briskly, the mortal returned his focus to the redhead's face. Swallowing slightly when their eyes met. A Gods' beauty truly was on a different level than any other races'. Awe and lust flowed out of the Hunter as he inquired.

"Did you have other plans aside from hunting today?"

Adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves to make them more comfortable, the 20 years old disclosed.

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