Chapter 251

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A confused being of light stood in a massive crystalline cave. There were what looked like eggs all around him that spanned as far as he could see. From the floor he was standing on, all the way up the stairs which spiraled around the walls of the chamber, to where the ceiling or sky should be. Each one was different in size, color, shape and energy. Some even emitted mana, divine energy or aura. Various emotions seemed to be radiating out of them.

<Where am I?>

Warily, the deity searched for any hint of the identity of this location. When he couldn't find one, he knelt down in front of the closest egg in order to examine it. Its shell was mostly silver except a long ribbon-like gold stripe wrapping around it. Multiple patches of murky reddish black tainted its beauty. Fear and uncertainty flowed out of the small form.

<Is something wrong with this one?>

Curiously, the youth touched the egg and a wave of memories overwhelmed his senses. Cuts and bruises on a hungry looking redhead. Adults gaining up and beating them while calling them disgusting mutants or wastes of space. After a while he saw a young red kitten struggle to keep up as the siblings ran for their lives through the forest. White poisonous mist hid their presence as they fled for their lives. He saw how they ran until their paws were swollen and raw. How they snuck onto a merchant's ship. Memories of the duo curled up together soaking wet. Trembling from the cold. The older of the two would wrap her tail protectively around the other while he slept. She would even steal bread for them to eat.

<Does this egg represent On?>

Her memories continued until they arrived at the present. Suddenly, he was standing behind her in the lounge of the castle. It would seem that his family had gathered to discuss his situation.

'Will Papa be okay?'

There was understanding on the snowy haired Saint's face.

'Yes, On. His Excellency is simply undergoing his first growth phase.'

Intrigue shone in the former princess' eyes.

'Growth phase? Isn't that something only Dragons experience?'

'Technically, yes. Both Dragons and Divine Dragons undergo specific growth phases. For mortal Dragons, they experience three within their lifetime. Divine Dragons are different. Since they are a race which can ascend to Godhood as they mature, they can experience close to a dozen within their lifetime. Although the number does tend to vary depending on their attribute, affinity, potential and upbringing. Since His Excellency was born a God, his will be quite complicated.'

Anger radiated out of the Count who was being forced to remain seated by magic. No longer struggling against his restraints, the nobleman growled in irritation.

'My son is not a Dragon.'

'Ha— Why would my liege ever leave His Excellency to a fool like you?'

<I understand calling him a coward, but isn't fool a bit harsh?>

Many people nodded in agreement with the eldest representative.

'Listen closely, Deruth. A God can not be created by two mortal souls. You and your wife were simply chosen by my liege to protect and raise His Excellency until it was time for him to relocate to the God of Life's temple.'

<Wait- Is that what Mama was preparing for? To move me to the temple?>

When the human opened his mouth to retort, a golden mana binding wrapped around it. This delighted the Saint who glanced at the annoyed ancient dragons.

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