Chapter 354

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The very instant the youth regained consciousness, he sat up and confirmed that he was still within the ancient dead mana facility. Separating him from the cold stone floor was a blanket which his eldest immortal had laid out for him. On it was the Orb of Healing which had been activated for some reason. Curiously, the deity searched his surroundings for the mother of his third youngest son. Yet she was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't like any of his people to leave him unattended like this. Especially while he was unconscious. Even if she did set up over a dozen magic barriers around him.

Gingerly, the 19 years old got back onto his feet. Undisguised silverish emeralds peeking down at the spot where the top whip had once rested within the broken altar. To his surprise, it was gone. Did the Dragon Lord confiscate it because it caused him to collapse again? For some reason, the ankle which bore his wind ancient power tattoo burned. Upon further examination, the once silver whirlpool had transformed into a shimmery multicolor similar to the crest which covered the majority of his torso and arms.

<Did the top whip fuse with my body after I completed the test? I thought it would be a more physical object. Very interesting.>

Fully planning to make its previous owner pay for the increasing number of inconveniences, the God of Love turned towards the sole entrance. Quaking sapphires were staring back at him in a mixture of fear and relief. Before he could stop her, the ancient entity pulled him into a protective embrace. The communication device that had been in her hands floating in the air beside them.

"I'm so glad you're alright. Had you not woken up before dusk, I was going to relocate you to the God of Life's temple. Ron says they would deal with Arm's battle brigade should that happen."

<Ha— Aylin-noona's made everyone worry about me again... Seriously, what was with that illusion test of hers?! There's no way I'll let that d**n a**hole kill any of my family!>

After relishing the welcomed tingling warmth for a couple minutes, the noble finally escaped her grasp. Then he stored everything of value within his line of sight into his spatial pouch. He could feel her piercing gaze observing him attentively while listening to his unrestricted thoughts.

"How long ago did they reach the third boundary?"

"Approximately twenty-seven minutes ago."

<Meaning I was unconscious for almost two whole hours...>

Reactivating his disguise magic, the exhausted deity sternly commanded.

"Let's go."

Immediately, a skillfully casted magic circle surrounded them and they were enveloped by a brilliant white light. As it dispersed, they found themselves standing on a solitary island situated near the center of the ocean. Each of the previously requested individuals were present and had been patiently awaiting their arrival. When they saw the 19 years old was awake, they hastily surrounded him. Most searching for injuries or traces of liquid radiance he may try to hide from them. Of the group, the calmest appeared to be the assassin whose benign smile which did not reach his eyes sent chills down the teen's back.

-Are you planning to collapse again?

<No, Papa. Aylin-noona played another prank on me. That's all.>

-I see. I will ask Their Supreme Eminence of Life to have another chat with them.

Petting each of the kittens on their heads, the embodiment of Love focused on the duo whose presence would be the most crucial in his upcoming plan.

"Is everything ready?"

His question caused a mischievous smirk to spread across their lips. Chugging back the rest of the wine in her glass, the reluctant Holy Maiden touched the eerie book in the Black Hawk's hands. Pitch black divine energy crawled out of her hand and was absorbed by the divine item which started to glow and shake. Goosebumps formed on the morals' exposed flesh as the presence of Death touched their souls. At the same time, a faint multicolored light covered his former team leader's body. Protecting him from both the clutches of death and despair. Dyed browns peeked at the simple ruby earring fastened to his unofficial sworn brother's right ear.

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