Chapter 335

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In the late morning of the third day, the excruciating agony at last subsided for the youth and his immortals. Exhaustion instantly tried to steal their consciousnesses. However, they knew they didn't have much time left to find the missing dark elf. While the Gods' representatives assessed their conditions, the sun-kissed woman with long beige hair guided the Marquess outside of the makeshift enclosure. Both had been provided with a change of clothes since their own gowns had gotten splattered with multicolored radiance. A blanket covered her daughter in order to shield her from malicious gazes.


Relief filled the Purist faction who rushed over to the noblewoman. Their gazes were quick to examine her appearance for any hint of injury they could use as proof of the 'Chosen One's evil intentions. When their attention moved to the covered child, the woman anxiously shifted her even closer to her heart. She would protect her baby from anyone who would wish her harm.

"Are you and Alida alright?"

Hope and fear fought for control over her body when she turned to face her husband. His bright green eyes were focused on the bundle in her arms.

"Did that impure-"

"His Holy Eminence succeeded."

Surprise was visible on the originally skeptical group's face. All who heard her declaration could not believe their ears. Enraged that a despicable non-human had managed to trick his naive wife, the Marquis hastily grabbed and yanked the cloth barrier off of his daughter's head.


Gasps of horror as well as amazement came from those trapped within the Grand Hall.


Tilting her head to the side in confusion the little girl peered up innocently at her father. Before anyone could process what was happening, the nobleman grabbed the disfigured child by her hair and yanked her out of her mother's warm embrace. A blood curdling screech of pain and terror echoed throughout the hall as a result.


Striking his wife across her face with his free hand, the Marquis hollered hatred and disgust.

"You d**n b****! What have you let that monster do to her?!"

Tears fell helplessly onto the stone floor while the tiny form struggled to escape the furious man's grasp. Quivering eyes searched the crowd while silently pleading for someone to save her. Never in her life had she experienced such abuse from either of her parents. Not even her mother had expected such an appalling reaction.

"Please stop this, Sel! You're hurting our baby!"

Scoffing at his wife's words, the man shook their daughter midair and angrily proclaimed.

"This wicked thing is not my child!"

"That's enough, Marquis Sel."

Growled the one known as the Lioness of Roija. There was a scowl on her face while her hazels stabbed into the infuriating noble who had the audacity to harm a child directly in front of her.

"Release Alida this instant."

Her gloved hands were balled into fists at her side in order to keep herself from grabbing a sword and striking the degenerate of a father down herself. Even if she was worried about the black webs on the girl's flesh, the fact that she was alive was truly a miracle from the Gods.

"Don't call this abomination by my daughter's name! My baby was pure! She did not possess tainted blood like this monstrosity here!"

Suddenly, a hand tapped the Ruler's lower back as the Prime Minister finally arrived at her side.

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