Chapter 362

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Out of the entire hall of humans, the very first to crawl on her knees towards him was a young lady from Geary County. Gloved hands shaking as they pulled her forward. Her journey was cut short by a strong hand which painfully latched onto her ankle. Fearfully, she peeked back at its owner and saw her elder brother glaring at her. However, she could not stop since she had to protect her donsaengs. Especially since both of her stubborn parents would never do as this man had commanded them to do. If they were going to die, someone else from their family had to live in order to care for her little siblings. They were all too young to lead their household and would definitely be targeted by their relatives' greed.

<Ho~ Such a strong presence of familial love and sacrifice.>

"Release her."

Helplessly, the noblewoman's elder brother complied with the deity's command and watched as his sister dragged herself over to where the 19 years old was relaxing. Everyone could see that she was trembling under the youth's ruthless gaze. Yet she did not hesitate to lower her head and kiss the ground at his feet. When she did, the God of Love touched her head in a startlingly gentle manner. Causing her to nervously look up at him. In the brief moment that their eyes met, her heart fluttered. As a result, she averted her gaze. Did she go insane? Why else would she feel this way about someone who was blatantly trampling all over her dignity? It took her a short moment to realize the overpowering pressure that had been crushing her had lessened.

"Lady Joisse Geary."

Shock could be seen in the female's teal irises when they refocused on the deity.

"I will give you who was the first to abandon your pride the chance to save ten other people in this residence. However, they must each willingly vow in the presence of the Gods to never again torment or participate in the slave trafficking of non-humans. Should they break their vow, their souls will be punished according to their sins."

Bewilderment radiated out of the woman who was unintentionally staring at him. With a bored expression, the redhead waved towards the infuriating heretics while sternly instructing.

"Now think carefully about who you'll protect. Or your kindness will be betrayed in the future."

Suddenly, the restriction preventing her from speaking was lifted. Resulting in a tingling as her voice returned. Tears started to fall down her cheeks as she at last comprehended her situation.

"M-My family. Please show mercy to my family."

Exclaims of surprise came from her blood relatives when they became able to properly speak and move again. Briskly, her brother rushed over to her and pulled her into a protective embrace while glaring at the man who'd humiliated their household. Muffled sobs came from the young lady as her parents, uncle and grandparents whispered words of gratitude to her.

"That was only six. Pick four more."

Squeezing her mother's hand for comfort, the daughter of Count Geary searched the crowd for her friends. An overwhelming weight resting on her shoulders as she held the lives of her allies within the palm of her hands. It was a heavy burden she had never expected to carry. After a few more minutes, she made her choice and the eleven nobles completed their vows before being teleported outside of the barrier. Unfortunately, they were immediately arrested by the Royal Knights and taken back to the palace where they'd remain until their individual tribunals.

Various glances were exchanged by the remaining nobles. Many who were silently encouraging their own relatives to sacrifice their own honor for them. Their selfishness irritated the youth who glanced at the nearby clock and announced.

"Ten minutes are up."

Just as he was about to stand up, seven more humans filled with desperation crawled over to him and kissed the floor. Pale greens twisted in the air around them. Not a single one dared to peer up at him as they did everything in their power to survive. Of them, there was only one who wasn't a servant. Sharp red-browns stabbed into the flesh of Baron Bergen's youngest son who unlike the others did not emit hatred or anger. Instead there was respect mixed into his fear.

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