Chapter 378

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Silent caution rapidly turned into agitation when the group of Wolves entered the God of Love's personal private auction room. Hastily, they searched their surroundings for any hint of the two children they had come for. Only the woman had noticed the terrifying brown gaze which was assessing them the moment they had stepped through the door. Instinctively, she took a stance which would enable easier combat. At least until she spotted a third person seated closer to the balcony whose scent was clearly that of a human. His squinty eyes stared at them in curiosity prior to refocusing onto the masked stranger.

"Is everything alright, Young Master?"


<Red Wolves. Marja and Fedele's relatives.>

-I see.

Increased unease filled the warriors when they heard the respectful title. Was the bastard who kidnapped the children seriously a member of human nobility? Hatred radiated out of them while the leader of the group struggled to calmly assess their situation. Even if his experience with the human race was brief, he had witnessed quite a lot about the race's corruption. Slave trafficking was only a small portion of it. Especially since many used their religion to mask their own racial prejudices. If they acted irrationally, then not only would they get executed, but their entire tribe would be made as an example because of them. Meaning their precious family would also die.

"Yes, Billos. I have some business with these people here. We will be next door for a bit."

<My prey has arrived. Once I'm done with my guests I'll start my hunt.>

A small nod confirmed his adoptive father understood his plan. Although the wariness in the immortal's brown gaze remained.

-Notify me if any of those mutts try to bite you.

<Of course.>

Dyed ambers landed on the most exhausted of the outsiders as he instructed.

"Follow me."

Immediately, the tall man with a scar on his jaw obeyed his command which worried or upset his three companions. Even though they did not want to comply, they knew they couldn't afford not to do so. Which is why they too followed their chieftain through the connecting door.

Varying shades of burgundy eyes widened in surprise when they discovered they had entered what appeared to be a small private resting area. Positioned carefully to one side was a high quality bed covered in deep purple blankets. Yet it only took up about a third of the space in comparison to the sitting area. Various chairs and sofas made of plush royal violet fabric rest atop a thick white carpet. Matching throw pillows were set out on top of the seats. There was not a single trace of the kidnapped children they had come to rescue.


Pretending to be indifferent to the mortals' emotions, the 20 years old casually sat down on the chair furthest from the door. Ensuring that his guests' back would be towards the door in case the assassin outside would have to suddenly join them.


Before the woman could inquire on the location of her niece and nephew, the stranger gave them yet another command.


Biting her lip so hard it nearly bled, the female wolf looked at her elder brother who was quietly examining the masked entity with a sharp gaze. After a couple of minutes, he finally sat down on the opposite chair. Never once letting his guard down. Swiftly, his companions moved into their expected positions. With his sister sitting on his right and the two men standing behind him exactly like skilled guards would.

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