Chapter 343

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AN: Warning! The next two chapters may be triggering for some. 


The instant the deity fell asleep, one of his God of Sacrifice's abilities unintentionally activated and transferred his consciousness. Except the body he was temporarily inside was trembling uncontrollably on what felt like a cold stone floor. Pain and an unnerving warm liquid dribbled down her neck and chest. Even the slightest movement caused agony to screech throughout the child's bruised form. Originating at both her ankles. As if someone had purposely broken them to prevent her from escaping. Distorted shouts came from all around him before another foot crashed into the girl's stomach and sent her flying into the wall of a staircase. Laughter and cheers were deafening while her abuser prepared to launch another blow. When her forehead bounced off the floor, a series of voices finally flowed into the mixed blood's ears.

"You disgusting monster!"

"Did you really think we wouldn't recognize you just because you took on a humanoid form?!"

"Hurry up and die!!"

Immediately, a familiar voice spoke up from the second level of the spiral corridor.

"Now~ Now~ Dongsaengs. No one's allowed to kill that thing until we figure out how it's been manipulating the monsters outside. Only once we know that, are you free to dispose of it."

No noise came from the abomination's throat when someone stepped on her shoulder and wrenched it out of its socket. At the same time, another companion lit a piece of wood on fire with their lighter prior to tossing it over to him. It was then dragged across the monster's now exposed back. The once beautiful gown covering her caramel flesh was shredded into scraps barely covering up the sensitive part of her quivering body.

While the scent of burning flesh rapidly filled the air, the God of Love consciousness was forced back into the other body he had been using. When his tear stained eyes shot open, he saw the requested snowy haired Saint observing him warily with a dark expression. Without a doubt, his Amna's representative would have noticed that he had been using one of his abilities.

Carefully, the ancient entity assisted his liege's irreplaceable baby in sitting up. Then he handed the embodiment of Love a small vial which emitted an outrageous amount of divine energy out of it. Quaking red-browns peered up at the man prior to their owner accepting it. Wasn't this too strong for him to use on his daughter when they found her? Or was this something he was supposed to drink himself?

-My liege told me to make certain you drink it.

A weak nod proved the disguised entity of light understood. His hands shook slightly as he opened the container and downed the liquid inside it. To his delight, it was incredibly sweet.

<How can something possess such an array of flavors? Fruity, flowery, earthy, smokey and woody. Yet still have an appetizing sweetness which makes me want more.>

"Did Amna make this?"

Upon sensing their liege's child's condition was improving at an incomprehensible rate, Saint gracefully stood up and dusted off his holy robes.

-Those are called Life's Tears. They will limit the damage your chaotic divine energy is having on this pitiful body. Even if you go on a rampage.


Ignoring the bewildered looks being aimed at them by the majority of the Koreans, the snowy haired representative bowed towards the God of Love. His every movement oozed with so much elegance that the outsiders couldn't help being entranced by him.

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