Chapter 375

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Hushed chatter and rustling drifted into the God of Love's ears. Rousing him from his restful slumber. Drowsily, he rubbed his red-browns. Then he pulled on a robe and exited the fabric enclosure which separated him from the rest of his family. Briskly, his flock of children rushed over to him and waited somewhat impatiently for their turn to get a hug, kiss or head pat from their guardian. As they each received their morning greeting, the deity noted how his kids were already dressed for the day ahead. At first, he wasn't bothered by it. Not until he noticed that his adoptive father was packing up all of their things. Including his clothes which had been hung in the guestroom's wardrobe. This sight caused his lips to twitch in an attempt to curl into a frown.

"Did something happen while I was asleep?"

Warm dark browns focused on the redhead while the assassin skillfully finished his task.

"I set out a couple outfits for you in the bathroom. Notify me if you need assistance."

When the eldest of the little dragon trio saw his father was hesitant to move, he flew up in front of his father and eagerly exclaimed.

"Hurry, Papa! Uncle Healing says we have to go home today! I want to introduce all of my new Noonas and Hyungs to Grandma Violan!"

<Home? Why in the realms is Aegle altering my schedule without my consent?>

-Their Supreme Eminence of Life apparently instructed him to take you and their grandchildren back to the Underground Palace today.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see the man who raised him had returned his attention to his work. Packing up the last of the toys that the kids had been playing with.

<Amna did? Are they worried because of last night?>

Chills raced down his spine when a scary benign smile spread across the immortal's lips.

-We caught a total of eight cats attempting to sneak into the palace last night. Another twelve were found hidden around the palace grounds. They were all imprisoned in the underground dungeon back home. Cage and Derin are with Beacrox right now. Chatting with them.

<F*- Freaking vicious... Twenty cats. Whoever dispatched them must be desperate to kill me.>

Maintaining an expressionless mask, the youth ruffled his son's black hair prior to maneuvering through the crowd of visibly excited children. Several were whispering about their spectacular playroom. Others seemed to be anticipating exploring the library or gardens. Delight by the sight of his kids getting along, the 19 years old disappeared into the bathroom to get dressed.

Half an hour later he returned dressed in burgundy and black robes adorned with delicate gold leaf embroidery. Immediately, his gaze focused on the platters of delicious foods resting on the table of the sitting area. Everyone of his children stared back at him. Many holding half eaten sandwiches or now empty forks. Cheeks full like adorable squirrels. Their mouths were messy with an array of sauces or crumbs. Exposing their hunger.

Anxiously, the newest additions to his growing flock fidgeted under his gaze. Would they get in trouble because they had been impatient? Before he could encourage them to continue, one of the elves quickly filled a plate with salad and ran over to him with it in their outstretched hands.

Unfortunately, the child tripped over his own feet and the dish went flying forward. Mahogany red eyes widened when a gust of wind repelled the unintentional projectile. Smashing it against the nearby wall. At the same time, the God of Love expertly managed to catch the 10 years old before he could fall flat on his face.


Tears fell down the flustered elf's face.

"I'm sorry!"

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