Chapter 371

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Half an hour flew by very quickly. When the father and son pair returned, their family couldn't help staring at the disguised God of Love. No matter how many times they saw him, his ethereal beauty was still way too enchanting for them. From the way his braided blood red hair gracefully flowed down his exposed back mimicking blades of grass entwining with each other under the early morning sun rays. To the way his eyelashes fluttered like delicate butterflies. Deep violet silk robes adorned his slender frame. Hugging his waist was an exquisite silver belt with tiny diamonds expertly shaped into lilac blossoms. Dangling down his back were over a dozen varying sized diamond raindrop decals. Ones which were very similar to those his Amna had worn during their visit. A different rose gold pendant than the usual divine item that wore now adorned his neck. This one had a strange crystalline gem that shimmered and emitted a strong presence of the elements of nature. In his hand was a silver mask adorned with amethysts.

"Oh my!"

Bright yellows, oranges, golds and light pinks swirled elegantly in the air around his reincarnated mother. Her pink lips were pulled up into a wide grin which she hid skillfully behind a fan.

"You really do look exactly like I did at your age."

Out of the corner of his eye, the deity could see his fiance's mother nod in agreement. There was a serious look on her face as she critiqued the teen's appearance.

"I think he's far prettier than you were though, Jour."


<Mama is still the prettiest human I've ever seen.>

Matching emeralds curled up into crescent moons as the silver haired twins also chimed in.


"Papa's the prettiest!"

<All Gods are incredibly attractive. Should I draw more pictures of Amna for them?>

Patting the duo on their heads, the 19 years old carefully fastened his mask in its place over his face and strolled over to his guestroom's door. Worried glances were exchanged by the dragons and mages. Before the redhead could open the wooden barrier, his partner gently caught his wrist and whispered into his ear.

"Do you have a plan to deal with the massive crowd gathered out there?"

<S*- Crap!!!>

Sky blues searched the unpredictable deity's face for any possible hints to his plan. Fully intent to follow his lead. Whatever it would be. Hoping- Praying even- That its aftereffects wouldn't be too troublesome for him to deal with.

<Should I give an oracle?>

-Make it an impressive one, Dongsaeng. You released an immense amount of divine energy when your soul returned this time. Possibly due to the fact that you're maturing as a God.

<It was probably because Amna sent me back themself. They are the Supreme God after all.>

Eagerly, the black dragon plopped himself in his younger father's unoccupied arm. Wrapping his little arms around the other's neck. His lips curled up in happiness when he felt his guardian instinctively shift him into a more comfortable position. One which made it much easier to view the silly humans waiting outside. While also ensuring he was protected from them. As soon as he was ready, the five years old peered up at in in a mixture of anticipation and curiosity.

"Aren't we going to the ball, Papa?"


Planting a swift kiss on the boy's head, the God of Love opened the door and was greeted by dozens of people bowed, prostrated or in various other positions of prayer. Even the members of the Imperial Family were showing reverence to the Gods. Dyed red-browns instantly focused on the Emperor kneeling on one knee at the front of the crowd. Hands clasped together in quiet worship. Bewilderment flowed out of the youth who froze mid step when he saw the complexion and appearance of the mortal Ruler. Somehow his former frail body had somehow gained a bit of weight and muscle. Making it seem as if he had never been ill. Although he was not quite as toned as his son. It was certainly enough that he would easily be mistaken for someone who practiced some form of martials arts on a weekly basis.

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