Chapter 303

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Exhausted from the day's events, a quarter dark elf at last entered his guest room with the treasured gift he had received from his partner in his arms. Setting the now potted ethereal looking plant down onto the bedside table, the fake blond found himself staring at the mystery the God of Love had given him. Unfortunately, his fiancé never had the chance to tell him about its uses or abilities. Not only had it taken them longer to return to the temple, but the stubborn clergy refused to listen to him. They had insisted that the sacred bloom remained with them on consecrated land. After much discussion, he had finally convinced them that the will of the God of Love was for him to care for the flower until his first temple was built. As a result of all these delays, the 19 years old had fallen asleep before he could visit his chambers.

Even though he was incredibly curious about the plant, the prince decided it would be better in the long run if he headed to bed and rested. Of course his dyed sky blues couldn't help traveling back to the shimmery blossoms. Why did he suddenly feel such a strong longing and desire to touch it? Before he even realized it, his hand did just that. A musical chime which caused his skin to prickle and heart to flutter filled the air around him when his finger tapped on one of the bell-like blooms. Its crystalline form started to glow at the exact moment he lost consciousness.

When the mixed blood woke up, he found himself lying in a vast field of flowers. Many he had never seen before. Neither on his planet or Sha-Orlen. Immediately, the Royal became alert as he surveyed his surroundings in order to discern where he had been sent. To his surprise, he wasn't the only person there. Seated in a gazebo not far away was a familiar woman sipping a cup of herbal tea. Her dark chocolate skin which was similar to that of the southerners stood out against the light blue dress she was wearing. Her long almost black hair was fastened into a skillful half updo which allowed it to dance in the gentle breeze. There was a soft expression on her face which caused tears to well up in his eyes.

"No f***ing way-"

Wiping the annoying wetness on his cheek, the no longer disguised prince rushed through the field towards the woman he had longed for since he was a child. When he arrived at the lowest step on the staircase, a pair of almost black irises at last focused on them. Instantly, a look of shock and confusion flashed across her face. Was she seeing things? How was her baby standing right in front of her? Wasn't this a dream? Her hands trembled as she set the cup in them down and stood up from her comfortable seat.


She had to be seeing things, right? After all, she had died and been reincarnated. Even if she had regained her past life's memories upon meeting up with the supposed Moon God, there was no way she would be able to meet her precious child again. Death was something a mortal could not stop or control. So how was she able to see an adult version of her son?


Unable to contain the years of sorrow and longing he had bottled away inside himself, the prince rushed towards his mother and hugged her tightly. The force of his movement nearly knocked her off her feet. Yet the half blood did not resist the affectionate and slightly desperate action.

"How are you here?"

Warm hands cupped the brunet's cheeks while the woman wiped the fresh tears with her gloved finger. A strange sense of fear filled her.

"Did you also die?"

Shaking his head in a manner which eased her worries, the Future King smiled proudly up at his mother. Of course she'd think such things considering their current situation. Even he didn't quite understand everything that was going on. However, there was only one person who could be responsible for such a spectacular and impossible feat. His partner, the God of Love.

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