Chapter 338

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No one said a word as they followed the angry God of Love back to the Grand Hall. Not even when the deity's young flock began to gather around him. Upon seeing his now disguised eyes were glowing a brilliant blood red, several of the older kids ran on ahead to locate their father's fiance. If their grandfather and uncle couldn't stop him, then hopefully his future husband would be able to before the exposed blade in their guardian's hand pierced the flesh of someone else.


All attention focused on the panting Crown Prince who had raced down four flights of stairs with a silver kitten in his arms. His dyed sky blues searched his partner's darkened expression for some hint as to his intentions or the trigger to his rage. Horror quickly overpowered the dark elf's concern when the youth blew the twin doors to the hall open with a powerful gale. Their eyes remained connected the entire time he did so. As if warning the fake blond not to interfere.

Completely unbothered by the shocked stares coming from the mortals who had begun to return to the hall, the 19 years old strode over to where the Purist Faction were resting. He could see his prey seated with his wife and sons chatting with another minister. Records of his encounters with the father and son pair flashed through his mind. Soon the brief encounter during the now postponed alliance meeting surfaced. Which only served to worsen his already horrible mood.

"Minister Grigoriy."

Instantly, the chubby man who was supposed to be in the dungeon jumped up from his seat and retreated behind one of his allies for protection.

"Stay back you filthy impure!"

His hands trembled while they tightened their hold on the other noble's shoulders. At the same time, the flustered Queen of Roija rushed into the hall. Her hazels widened when she saw who her family's benefactor was targeting.

"First, your racist bastard of a son attacked my children while we were visiting the academy."

For some reason the crowd found themselves frozen in place. Unable to move to stop the God of Love whose ruthless gaze was stabbing into the gluttonous human in front of him.

"Then you had the gall to actually suggest I hand over my children as slaves to your Kingdom."

Ice and venom could be heard in his voice as the deity continued to reveal.

"You were imprisoned for treason a mere four days ago, yet somehow here you are."


Closing the distance between himself and his target, the youth growled.

"That doesn't even include all of the blasphemous commentary you have been spouting."

<Or the fact that you have ruined my vacation with my family!!>

"It's not-"

Cracks started to form in the stone floor underneath the God of Love who ordered.

"Shut up."

To the mortals' amazement, the minister also lost the ability to speak. Pupils shook while they observed the duo's interaction. It was as if a mighty beast was hunting a tiny mouse.


Unable to resist the divine command, the heretic obediently plopped down onto the ground.

"Only someone who was truly stupid or had a death wish would do all that and still attempt an assassination of their own f***ing Queen!"

Murmurs rapidly replaced the deafening silence around them. Yet the teen ignored the other voices. A loud thud startled the surrounding mortals and caused them to turn their attention back towards the pair in time to see the gluttonous nobleman falling backwards onto the broken floor. They could not believe their eyes. Did the Gods' Chosen One just kick someone? More importantly, in the FACE?! Bright red blood dripped onto the cracked stones from the heretic's freshly broken nose. Terror was visible in the human's trembling eyes.

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