Chapter 320

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Fiery red eyelashes fluttered open as the God of Love finally regained consciousness. His first sight was that of a familiar blond who was focused on a book resting open in his left hand. On its cover written in what would be unfamiliar text for those from the Western Continent were the words 'History of the Roija Kingdom'. A gentle stroking attempted to lull him back to the realm of dreams. However, the youth did his best to resist the urge. Instead the deity peered up at the owner of the lap he was currently using as a pillow. Extremely long golden lashes adorned gemlike sky blues. Matching strands of hair fell loosely over his face which was turned down towards the intriguing content in his hand.

<So f***ing handsome.>

Light blues mixed gracefully with reddish pinks and various shades of yellows in the air around them. Even his future husband's lips had curled up into a small, unintentional smile. One which the 19 years old easily noticed.

<Looks like he's enjoying himself. I'm glad.>

Subconsciously, the redhead reached up and brushed a couple strands out of his fiance's eyes which alerted the older of the duo that he was awake. Their eyes immediately met prior to an even brighter grin which formed on the dark elf's handsome face.


Hastily, the God of Love abandoned his place of rest in an attempt to escape the other's obvious upcoming request. To his dismay, the prince was already aware of his intentions and restrained him in a tight embrace. A mischievous smirk on his lips.

"Lord Dragon-nim~"

Chills of horror raced down the deity's back when he heard how his fiance addressed him. His instincts were shouting at him to flee if he wanted to be able to slack off later. With a smile that rivaled the dark elf's own, the God of Love shielded his eyes and looked at the Crown Prince.

"For a moment, I was blinded by such a radiant light incomparable to even the magnificent sun."

<Whatever you want, I'm not doing it!>

Amusement could be seen in the teen's eyes which further annoyed the Future King. Kissing a section of the noble's blood red hair, the blond expertly countered.

"I am honored that the most precious treasure of my heart and all realms in existence would ever think so highly of a mere mortal like myself. Your sacred beauty is truly unparalleled-"

They both heard a cough which had come from the doorway of the room. Immediately, the mixed blood released his fiance and put some distance between them. Both their ears were a bright red. Chuckling at their reaction, the ancient dragon strolled over to the baby deity and handed him a cup of sweetened lemonade.

"Are you feeling calmer now?"

A simple nod confirmed that they had indeed made a wise decision in leaving his unconscious form with the Future King. Sharp golds glanced at the disguised dark elf who shifted nervously underneath the mighty being's gaze.

"Good. His Supreme Eminence of Healing said that your divine energy was too chaotic that had he not intervened, the God of Life would've had to drag you back to the ethereal realm."

<Ha— I definitely need to get my emotions under control.>

While his unofficial son reluctantly sipped his drink, the eldest of the mortals claimed the chair adjacent to the sofa the pair were seated on. He could see the stubborn teen doing his best to not grimace as the somewhat abhorrent taste met his tongue. After a couple of minutes of silence, the 19 years old finally spoke up to ask.

"Are the kids okay?"

One thick file was set down on the table in front of him by his partner who replied.

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