Chapter 352

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Now that his relative was gone, the younger Dragon Lord decided to deal with the problematic situation he had personally caused. Not only had he attacked the very person who had saved his baby directly in front of said little boy, he even had the audacity to insult them. Meaning he had both attacked and defamed a God. Under normal circumstances, he and possibly his entire clan would be smote for such blasphemy. However, if his cousin was correct, this deity was a merciful one who didn't even punish her for abducting them the night prior. Except her unique experience did not necessarily mean the benevolent ruler of love would treat him the same.

Well aware that there was no place for pride, the indigo haired man lowered his forehead onto the broken ground beneath him. His fists itching to punch the traitors who tricked his entire clan into a bloody pulp. No. That was too good a fate for them. He would torture those lowly scum until they begged him for death. And then he'd have them healed so that he could continue to torment them until their minds shattered. For now though, he needed to prioritize surviving.

"I apologize for mistaking the Supreme Ruler of Love with the lowly curs who dared to betray my trust and exploit my emotions regarding my child's abduction. My name is Alaric Vares Ione and I am the current patriarch of the Ione Clan. Most commonly referred to by other Hunters as the Purple Blood Household. It is an honor to be able to meet you and I am truly grateful that you saved my son from the schemes of that infuriating Saint."

Just as the deity motioned for him to raise his head, a small fluctuation of mana came from the spatial pocket hidden underneath their robes. Taking advantage of the fact they were distracted, the man carefully examined the entity. Beautiful blood red cascaded down over pale blue silk which flowed as gracefully as a river around them when slender fingers pulled out a flashing communication device. Even with the many layers draping elegantly over such a thin frame, he could see the other's extremely huggable waist. A beautiful set of carnelians were adorned by long eyelashes which fluttered like delicate butterflies with every blink. It was obvious why his impulsive cousin had assumed such a breathtaking existence was a woman. Although, unless they were an incredibly flat one, they were without a doubt a male. His purples widened briefly as another realization based upon his relative's report materialized into his mind. The God of Love was engaged with a man. He liked men. His lips started to twitch as they attempted to curl up into a sly smirk. One that a pair of glowering sapphires had clearly noticed.

As soon as the call connected, everyone could see a woman with hair as beautiful as the deep blue ocean appear on the device's screen.

-I apologize for calling you so suddenly, Y- Cale. However, you instructed me earlier this year to alert you as soon as they started to move.

<They- I see. Arm's First Battle Brigade has finally departed for the Western Continent.>

Without breaking eye contact with the Future Queen, the 19 years old skillfully positioned the drowsy baby who had been trying to crawl up into his arms against his chest. His warmth fully coaxed her the rest of the way into the realm of dreams. This sight only further increased the purplish reds fluctuating in the air around the patriarch of the Ione Clan.

"How far have they come so far?"

-According to our scouts, they are traveling at a faster speed than we initially anticipated. We believe they are using advanced magic and will reach the second boundary within the hour.

<Why are they in such a rush? Did they maybe sense the Purple Bloods and hasten their departure? Was this possibly Jayu's doing and not the White S*- Radish's? Interesting~>

Handing each of his sons a piece of cut up fruit, the deity finally instructed.

"Notify me as soon as they reach the fourth boundary. Also, alert everyone that the predicted superstorm will soon ravage the oceans. Tell them to get to land as quickly as possible and activate the magic defensive measures provided by Amare.

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