Chapter 268

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Several hours passed by before a whimper and trembling drew the attention of the mixed blood on the bed to the slumbering deity. Fresh multicolored radiance stained the plush pillow under his head. Stoically, the prince reached over and wiped the glowing tears from his partner's cheeks. As his finger traced down the other's jaw, his gaze carefully examined the God of Love's extremely handsome face. It wasn't until his finger had reached his neck that the brunet's expression faltered a little. Not even a day had passed since the other hurt himself. A crushing pressure in his chest made him feel like he was suffocating as he recalled the events of the night prior. Lightly, he brushed some of the long white strands off the recently healed flesh.


Instinctively, the youth's hand grasped onto the closest source of warmth. When he saw the 19 years old clinging onto him, the Future King smiled a sorrowful smile. Then he closed his files and set the incomplete paperwork on the side table. Scooting closer to his partner, the quarter dark elf pulled the first outsider to accept him for who he really was into a gentle embrace.

"It's alright, Cale. Everything's going to be okay."

Relief filled the brunet when he felt the younger man physically start to relax. Stroking his fiance's back, the warmth from the deity started to coax the exhausted prince off to the realm of dreams. It wasn't until late afternoon that the deity began to rouse from his slumber. To his surprise, the very first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the peaceful expression on his future husband's face. A familiar, comforting scent of sandalwood with a hint of rosewood drifted into his nose. Instantly, the youth's ears became a very dark red.

<Why the f*** is he here right now?! Doesn't he have work to do? Is it really okay for him to be slacking off here instead of dealing with his Royal responsibilities?>

Peeking between his fingers, silverish emeralds started to examine the undisguised mixed blood dark elf. A light blue aura with flecks of gold radiated out of him. Truly an aura fitting of his usual princely image. Taking a moment to confirm that they were alone, the 19 years old rolled onto his stomach with his chin propped up on his palm. His free hand started to comb through the other's dark brown locks. On his usually expressionless face was a soft smile.

<He really does look better in this form.>

Just as he was stroking the other's ears, a set of dark chocolates shot open and focused directly on him. Neither spoke while they stared at each other. Dark reddish and purplish pinks were rapidly replacing the earlier blues. Gracefully, the prince reached up and tucked some of the youth's hair behind the God of Love's ear.

"How're you feeling?"

Nuzzling into his fiance's slightly calloused palm, the youth quietly replied.


Their lips met briefly before the black dragon's voice flooded into the prince's head.

-Dada~ Is Papa awake?

-Yes, Raon. Please let Ron know.


Unaware of the conversation between his partner and his third youngest son, the deity cuddled closer to the mortal. His entire body was currently being filled by the welcomed sensation. All of the agony he had been experiencing over the last couple days had completely vanished as if it had never even existed. The corners of his lips curled up even more when a kiss on the top of his head caused the strength of the tingling to increase.

<I just want to slack off like this all day.>

A knock on the door unfortunately reminded him of his reality.

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