Chapter 336

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Over two dozen knights and multiple skilled warriors from both kingdoms stood outside the makeshift enclosure. Each one was dressed for combat. Although they didn't know if there would be any during their upcoming search. Many were anxious about having to face the followers of the Cursed One. Especially since they had abilities which made it impossible for even the One Who Speaks for the Gods to leave the barrier. Just how powerful were these invisible enemies? More importantly, would they even be able to find His Holy Eminence's missing daughter before the deadline? Those who recalled how merciless he had been towards the Marquis shifted nervously. What sort of fate awaited them if they failed to find her?

After about an hour, the majority of the nobility and servants who weren't a part of the Purist faction had joined them. Even little children were insisting they had to help since they saw the Headmaster's grandson and Crown Princess were joining the search. This sight further enraged those who believed in the Purifying Flame. How dare the fraud brainwash their fellow citizens?!

Finally, the first of the teen's flock to finish their meal raced out of the shelter. Directly on his heels was the torture expert with a damp cloth to wash the kitten's mouth and hands. Golds widened when they saw how many people had gathered to look for his noona. While he was distracted, the boy didn't notice his uncle shooting a warning glare at the outsiders. If any of them dared to harm his family, he wouldn't hesitate to strike them down.

"Uncle Beacrox~"

Two identical silver haired girls ran over to the frightening brunet with their hands outstretched.

"Don't go running off on your own, Dongsaengs."

Giggles came from the twins while their older brother attempted to reprimand them.

"Yes, Oppa~"

Dark browns swiftly scrutinized the White Wolf's appearance. Except there wasn't even a single crumb or stain visible on his clothes and face. Even his light gray hair was neatly pulled back by a blood red ribbon. Pride radiated out of the chef at this sight. Casting a quick nod of approval at his nephew, the immortal reentered the enclosure. Without a doubt the younger half of the kids would need his immediate attention. Especially the baby dragons.

Gradually, the rest of the God of Love's children exited their makeshift shelter. They were all dressed in more comfortable attire compared to what they had been wearing earlier. Each one had a noticeable red accessory on which could be used to identify them or their guardian.

"Hurry up, Goldie Gramps! We have to find Noona before the monsters can hurt her!"

Declared the adorable black haired boy who was trying to drag the eldest of the mortals out by his hand. His sapphires burned with determination to save his sister. A brief look of resignation and exhaustion appeared on the ancient dragon's face. Even though he was annoyed by the boy's actions, he did not refute the child's words. Destruction and death would result if they failed to save the little dark elf in time.

Every single outsider found themselves unintentionally holding their breath when the most terrifying existence in the hall stepped into view. His extremely long hair looked like it was made out of diamond as it hung down his exposed back in an elegant braid. Unfamiliar silk robes that even those from the Roan Kingdom didn't recognize gracefully draped along his slender frame.

"In order to find Raega, we must first complete that bastard's tasks and locate the perpetrators responsible for the poisoning of Her Majesty, the Queen."

Most of the outsiders who heard his words shifted uncomfortably since they proved that even the God's Chosen One couldn't avoid these extremely twisted games.

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