Chapter 361

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As soon as they saw their savior had returned, the four tiny kittens scurried over to him with icing all over their mouths. Their ice blue irises sparkled in anticipation. Would they get to eat a lot more of these tasty treats if he took them with him. Tails wagged as they patiently stared up at the masked entity who reeked of fresh blood. Yet they did not feel fear. For some reason they felt like they could trust him. That he would protect them from the monsters who had constantly tormented them for being non-human. When the eldest of the siblings rubbed her cheek against his leg, the God of Love crouched down and delicately picked the children up. Quaking pupils gazed up at the noble in visible confusion. Why was someone like him being so kind to them?

<How are they thinner than On and Hong were the very first day we met in the slums?>

Caution was gradually transforming into intrigue for the majority of the mortals. Especially those who had witnessed him heal a member of the Beast Tribe. Altogether there were about three hundred non-humans and mixed bloods silently observing the 19 years old. Each one still wore a slave collar since only the teen had the ability to safely remove them at that moment in time.

"Is everyone ready to leave this place?"

Meek nods came from most of the trafficking victims.



Just as he was about to instruct the chimera to relocate everyone, his future husband pulled out a flashing communication device. Over two dozen messages had been left by a very impatient five years old who was demanding he answer his call. Massaging his throbbing head, the dark elf connected the call and a chubby cheeked boy appeared on the screen.

-No fair, Da-

A hand covered the baby dragon's mouth prior to the eldest of his fiance's immortals querying.

-Are you enjoying yourself, Your Highness?

Immediately, the attention of the entire underground prison moved to the prince.

"Ha— I'm supposed to be in disguise, Sheritt-nim. Rok Soo-"

Before he could finish, the snowy haired woman turned the device towards the worried Ruler of Roija. Attentive hazels searched the younger Royal's face prior to noting his surroundings.

-Where exactly are you and His Holy Eminence?

Those who realized the importance of the title that had been used hastily looked over at the teen who strolled into view. Gasps of horror and disbelief slipped out of the mouths of those who caught a glimpse of his bloody appearance. Unease competed with concern as the Queen's lips curved downwards into a frown. What had her citizens done to enrage the merciful God of Love into personally executing them this time? Did another noble abuse an innocent child?

"We are currently in Viscount Otmar's secret dungeon where he holds his enslaved non-human merchandise until they are auctioned off to his disgusting Purist allies."

Venom oozed out of the deity's every word as he spoke. Causing those who heard his voice to shudder or anxiously swallow. However, what they heard him announce next caused several ministers to nearly faint. Even the faces of the officials from Roan had paled in terror.

"Plus there were multiple stolen divine items and sacred texts hidden within the underground warehouse which were set to be auctioned off today. Including a precious elixir of light which had been forcibly taken from an infant God of Love by the Cursed One's followers."

Everyone could see the masked noble's disguised eyes were glowing blood red due to his rage.

"Thus we have come to pass judgment on the blasphemous heretics who dared to covet the property of the Gods. Anyone who is deemed guilty, but permitted to live shall be relocated to the palace's prison in order to be tried according to Roija's laws."

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