Chapter 249

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Half an hour passed by, yet no one dared approach or enter the building. It wasn't until the weather started to react to the God of Love's rapidly increasing presence that the assassin decided to go inside. He left his eldest in charge of those who had gathered and quickly made his way through the beautiful garden. As soon as he arrived at the twin doors, he realized what was happening. Next to his youngest's presence was a much weaker source of the familiar divine energy that flowed through his own body. Only one mortal possessed it and she seemed to be channeling it into someone.

-It appears Cale is teaching Mary to use her powers. I'll go in to assist him. Bring everyone in once you sense him decrease his presence.

-Yes, Father.

Now that he had informed his son of the situation the brunet quietly slipped inside so as not to disturb the 19 years old's concentration. After all, using such pure divine energy directly on a mortal could be dangerous. Especially since it was increasing in strength on a daily basis.

-Grandpa! You're here! Papa's a little busy right now. He's helping Good Mary heal my newest Noona. Did you know she's able to heal mental trauma?!

Instead of speaking, he nodded in response to the black dragon's question. It took a minute, but the boy suddenly realized something.

-You have Papa's divine energy too. Does that mean you and Uncle are able to do the same?!

Another slight tilt of the head proved the boy was correct. However, he did not explain that he and his firstborn had some restrictions to their powers unlike the necromancer. By their instinct they must prioritize the God they served over others. Unless of course they received an order within a certain situation which permitted them to ignore that instinct. Such was the case if they ever had to choose to protect him or the kids. Furthermore, they weren't as kind or merciful as the youth. They were less likely to take on or heal someone else's pain. If necessary they would do so for those of their precious family. Although at this time that only involved the deity and his children. Even if the pair acted like it, the prince was still not yet his husband. Neither he nor his eldest needed to sacrifice themselves for his sanity. As long as he lived, he could be healed.

Calmly, the patriarch of the Molan Household observed the situation in front of him. He could see the new Holy Maiden kneeling in front of the little girl on the couch. She held the child's hand gently with her own. Tears fell from the hollow looking eyes. Standing directly behind her with his palm on her back was the God of Love who was telepathically guiding the mortal. His face was expressionless, but the assassin could sense his distress.

<This is much harder than it looks. S***! Going forward she should only practice on mild nightmares with either Papa's or Hyung's assistance. At least until her skills improve. Healing this much despair like this is way too much for her to do without me personally being present.>

Divine energy swirled chaotically around the room forcing the mortals to stand as close to the walls as was possible. Those witnessing this were in awe. Yet a pair of brown remained fixed on the deity's physical form amongst the storm of multicolored light. They were watching attentively while their owner waited for the signal that his youngest needed him. Approximately, twenty minutes passed before he saw it. His son was trembling from the pain and light was dribbling from his mouth. Since the necromancer did not have enough experience, he had taken the brunt of the despair which was worst for him to bear. Swiftly, the immortal moved to his son's side and supported him. His own powers focused on healing and protecting the boy from the despair.


-I'm here, Amias.

Relieved by his father's presence, the 19 years old continued to endure until the dimness in her eyes was replaced with light. When he saw they had succeeded, he instructed his exhausted representative on how to safely withdraw her divine energy. Once she had done so, he helped her sit down next to the girl before decreasing his presence and energy. Unfortunately, the moment he did so his legs gave out due to fatigue. As expected, the man who raised him caught him and moved him to the sofa. Then he wiped the light from his face with a cloth one of the dragons had wet with magic.

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