Chapter 208

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Several days later, the God of Love woke up to discover that his entire body was aching from exhaustion. Just as he was about to rub his eyes, he noticed that his arms were covered in dozens of various sized cracks. Briskly, he sat up and checked the condition of his chest which was even worse. Running his hand through his fiery locks, he got up and started to stroll over towards the mirror. However, he stopped the moment he saw movement coming from his window out of the corner of his eye. Red-browns widened when they discovered the prince sitting undisguised on the ledge. He was leaning against the frame while quietly examining the crystalline bloom which had been planted in an extremely expensive looking pot.

<Why is he here again? Isn't he busy with preparing for the celebration?>

A set of dark chocolates finally focused on him. Instantly, an overly bright smile appeared on the mixed blood's face. One that sent chills down the deity's back.

<S***! Alberu's up to something...>

"Good afternoon, my dear Future Moon. Did the most precious treasure of my heart and the Roan Kingdom have a good sleep?"

<F***ing bastard! Wait->

It took him a few seconds for the redhead to realize what his fiance had just said. Immediately, his ears became a bright red while his stoic mask slightly faltered. This sight caused the brunet's lips to twitch in amusement. Doing his best to regain his composure, the youth countered.

"What an honor for the brightest Star in the citizens' eyes to say such a thing about a lowly trash like myself. Not to mention the fact that such a radiant existence would skip out on completing their formal duties in order to wait for this-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the Crown Prince nimbly jumped down from his perch and approached the 18 years old. With a serious expression on his face, he met the younger man's gaze prior to him sternly commanding.

"Don't ever refer to yourself as trash in front of me again, Cale. You are a God. Degrading yourself like that is not okay. Think about our children. How would you feel if Raon or one of the others talked about themselves in such ways?"

<Is he seriously upset that I'm being honest? I know I am trash. Does he not like the idea of marrying trash? If so, why did he propose to->

Seeing the distant look in the youth's red-browns, the mixed blood quickly took his partner's hand and kissed it in order to draw his mind back to reality. Once their eyes locked on each other, the Crown Prince smiled apologetically and announced.

"His Majesty, the King- Father- Has requested both of our presences this afternoon in his garden. He says you do not have to come if you are unavailable, but I will still have to go since he wishes to discuss the future with me. Since I didn't know when you'd wake up, I was planning to tell him you had other business to attend to."

<S***! A meeting with the King?! I don't even know the overall condition of my body...>

There was anticipation in the other dark browns. An unspoken plea. It was obvious that the prince didn't want to go alone.

<Ha— That's right. The King neglected Alberu after his mother's death and favor moved to the third prince. This is a big deal for him and everything he's worked so hard for.>

"How long do I have to get ready?"

Glancing at the nearby clock, the dark elf replied.

"A little over an hour."

"Alright. Can you inform Papa for me?"

Relieved that the deity had agreed to accompany him, the brunet pulled him into an embrace and kissed him on the lips. However, it was immediately interrupted when the bedroom door banged open prior to four children rushing in. Not far behind them was the robed necromancer who started nervously fidgeting with her sleeve when she saw how close the duo were standing.

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