Chapter 241

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Late the next morning, the deity woke up to find his tent was completely empty. Instantly, the youth jumped up and rushed outside. A wave of relief flowed through him when he finally located his precious children and family members. They had gathered around some unfamiliar mortals. Amongst the strangers were several people who were dressed in long red priestly robes. Warily, they peeked in his direction. Unease and hatred radiated out of them when they saw someone who looked like a pureblood dark elf. Why did they feel divine energy coming from a member of the cursed race?

<Based on their clothes, they must be Sulien-hyung's followers.>

His face was expressionless as he strolled over and patted each member of his flock on their heads. Wide grins appeared on their faces.


Swiftly, the four youngest of his kids hugged him in greeting. At the same time, most of the adult elves and mages who were watching this interaction became enraged.

"So that's how the dark races managed to manipulate the remaining dragon-nims."


Dyed blacks focused on the man who appeared to be a half elf. Resting on the ground next to him was a sword which he quickly grasped while glaring at the 19 years old.

"It wasn't enough that your kind killed all of the adult dragon-nims and the World Tree, but you had to steal their eggs too! How dare a lowly piece of street trash manipulate such mighty and majestic beings for his own gain?!"

<Hold on- What the f***?!>

Nods of agreement came from this swordsman's companions. Only the Raven was currently not present since she was watching the Choi duo spar with the Black Hawk. Had she known what he was saying, she would have instantly smacked the sandy brunet in his head. Various colored mana fluctuated chaotically around his children.

"Papa is not trash! He is the greatest existence compared to everyone here! An elf like you has no right to even stand in his very presence!"

Every single one of his dongsaengs proved they supported the five years old's proclamation.

"You only think that because this d**n bastard has brainwashed you-"

Chills raced down his spine as an unusual sense of impending doom struck him. A dagger cut his cheek the moment the swordsman turned his head. Aqua irises quaked while their owner stared at the immortals in terror. Clearly, he had said something to enrage them.

"Do I know you?"

All attention turned back towards the God of Love whose voice sounded disinterested. Even slightly cold which infuriated the outsiders.

"Listen here you s***ty motherf***er! If you don't f***ing shut up, then I will f***ing make you!"

Suddenly, a sharp metallic sensation was against the brunet's throat. Its wielder had a blood curdling smile on their lips. Venom could be heard in their voice as they informed him.

"Threaten or insult my son again and I can promise you that you will all greatly regret it."

None of the mortals had noticed the assassin approach the elf. Fear filled the adults as they wondered about this frightening person's identity. Not to mention the fact that he just called this dark elf pureblood his child. Was that even possible? Emeralds examined the strangers prior to peering up at the deity. His eyes widened briefly before the four years old carefully removed the ring of disguise from his father's finger. Silence permeated throughout the clearing.


Ignoring the looks he was getting from the others, the youth stared down in confusion at his youngest officially adopted son.

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