Chapter 262

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AN: This chapter may be very triggering. Please read at your own discretion. 


Awkward silence filled the space between the young duo. Each one simply stared at the other in confusion and curiosity. Neither knew what to do. They were both someplace they knew that they should not be right now. In fact, their guardians were probably going to be very concerned since they had both seemingly disappeared. Peeking back towards estate, the redhead listened to his elemental's excited proclamations.

-Look! Look! I told you she'd be here! A girl your noona's age who looks like the Chois and speaks an unfamiliar language! It's got to be her! We must bring her to Mama~

"Papa. Thumbelina. He's Papa, not Mama."

Unable to hear the violet entity's voice, the girl looked at the 7 years old in uncertainty and slight intrigue. Her gaze then focused moved to the fluffy form flying around them. Was that thing an elemental? If so, was he talking to it? Could this boy be an elementalist?

-But Mama's give life to things.

Unable to refute the baby dark's words, the disguised dark elf turned his focus back to the strange girl and finally introduced himself.

"My name is Ulrim Henituse Molan Crossman Thames. What is your name?"

Reddish browns that looked similar to his guardian's quaked when they heard the boy's entire name. All four were familiar to her for some reason, but it didn't make sense for them to be combined in that manner. More importantly, did a member of the Thames marry into the Royal Family? Why would they do that when they're supposed to be in hiding? Molan must be that woman's last name. Although she did share the same name as the father and son duo she took in during her past life. Were they related? None of this made sense to her. Dark browns shone a little as the pure blood waited for the girl to answer.

"...Ji Soo. Ahn Ji Soo..."

-Another Soo! She's a Soo too! Is it a common name from wherever they're from?

A small, shy smile formed on the boy's lips.

"Nice to meet you, Ji Soo. Are you by chance lost?"

She hesitated a little prior to warily answering.

"I was forcibly taken from the cafe my uncle left me at. I need to get back soon or he will worry."

Understanding the severity of her situation, the redhead offered his hand and quickly suggested.

"Why don't you come with me to meet with my Papa and Grandpa Henituse? They should be able to get someone to escort you safely back to the cafe. Or they could have a servant or knight locate your uncle and have him pick you up from here. While we wait I could show you around the garden some more, introduce you to my noonas or we could enjoy some sweets."

-Mama's currently at the training grounds! Let's go~

Extremly tempted to accept the latter option, the girl decided it was better if she returned to where she was supposed to be waiting for her guardian. However, she did end up taking his hand after a few minutes and the pair made their way back towards the training grounds. Not even half way to their destination, a breathless shout caught the two kids off guard.

"Young Master Ulrim-nim!"

Both turned to see a orange haired man gasping for air as if he had been running around the estate searching for something or someone. After he had caught his breath, the Deputy butler swiftly approached the dark elf and announced.

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