Chapter 364

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As soon as the light had faded, the Roan Kingdom's delegation discovered themselves inside the teleportation chamber. Although they weren't standing on the platform itself which startled each of the guards. Immediately, the highest ranked of the security became alert and signaled for his subordinates to subdue the potential threat. At least until he noticed the famous blood red hair which ever revealed the arrival of the Gods' Chosen One. Realizing his mistake, the knight motioned for his men to stand down and sent a messenger to inform their Sun and Star of the envoy's arrival. Then the entire unit knelt on one knee with their hands over their hearts.

"I, Azad Saric, the Vice Captain of Roija's Seventh Defense Division, greet Your Holy Eminence, the One Who Speaks for the Gods and Your Highness, the Crown Prince of the Roan Kingdom."

With a small gesture of the fake blond's hand, each of the warriors got back onto their feet and stood at full attention. Many stealthily searching with their eyes for the legendary Dragon-nims they had heard would be accompanying the envoy.

To the guards' dismay, the doors to the room burst open before they could locate them and their Future Sun strolled inside. His gray hair, precisely combed. Trailing behind him was a long black fur trimmed cloak. Gold thread was expertly stitched into his crimson and black royal uniform which clung tightly onto his muscles as he walked. A red diamond brooch rested above his heart. Emphasizing the Imperial Family's superior wealth and status over that of the Roan Kingdom's Royalty. However, none of his attire was as eye-catching as the unusual bouquet of dark violet peonies, bright red salvias, ivy and dark pink azaleas. They were carefully wrapped in burgundy silk with small diamonds speckled amidst the delicate bundle.

Everyone saw his step falter very briefly when the human saw the holy 'aura' that the redhead was subconsciously releasing in order to protect himself from the despair. Quickly he regained his composure and finished strolling over to the youth. Then Mogoru's Crown Prince gracefully offered the deity the floral gift with an unnervingly affectionate smile on his lips.

"Unfortunately, my father, His Imperial Majesty, the emperor, is unable to personally come and greet you at this time as he is unwell. Thus I yet again get the honor of welcoming Your Holy Eminence back to the Holy Empire of the Sun. I pray the Gods will allow you to enjoy your stay."

<This a**hole... Normally a kingdom would be apprehensive about broadcasting that their Sun is sick as neighboring nations may take advantage of it. Either through combat or more indirect methods of political warfare. By telling us about his father's declining health, he's practically announcing that he's the true Ruler of the Empire. Such a cold, infuriating b****...>

Golden browns noticed how the other Crown Prince had subtly stiffened up upon witnessing his actions. Even the way the corners of the blond's mouth curled down ever so slightly into what could only be described as a dissatisfied frown. Amusement radiated out of him while he waited patiently for the 19 years old to accept his carefully calculated present.

<Why the f*** is this bastard giving me flowers? I understand the citizens of Roija doing so out of respect, but the meaning of the ones he's trying to give me... Noble dignity, possessiveness, everlasting devotion, deep passionate love and romance. Has he f***ing lost his d**n mind?!>

-It would seem so, Dongsaeng.

-Extremely suspicious. You shouldn't accept them, Cale.

-Indeed. He may be trying to spread rumors. Or confirming the ones regarding whether or not you're in a relationship with Alberu.

Awkward silence permeated throughout the teleportation chamber. Yet the Future Emperor did not show any sign of yielding as he continued to hold the bouquet out towards him. Curious and worried glances were exchanged by those watching this unexpected interaction. Was the One Who Speaks for the Gods really planning to reject the next ruler of the Mogoru Empire?

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