Chapter 351

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Over a dozen awkward minutes of silence passed before the eldest of the deity's immortals intervened. She could tell the youth was frozen in place due to the rapid flow of thoughts in his mind. It was obvious to herself and the other dragons that he was weighing all possible gains and losses for his current predicament. While also figuring out the most optimal way to handle this unusual human. Her hand gently touched her lord's exposed upper back as the snowy haired woman suggested with an understanding smile.

"Why don't we move somewhere more comfortable?"

"Mama's right! Let's go over there!"

Chubby cheeks adorned sparkling sapphires as the five years old pointed towards a tree that used to have pink blossoms on it. His adorable behavior caused many of the adults around him to grin. Ruffling the boy's raven locks affectionately, the 19 years old proudly directed.

"Lead the way, Raon."


Black mana lifted up his little brothers prior to the black dragon flying over to the grass covered ground at the base of the sweet smelling tree. Swiftly, a large blanket was summoned from his spatial dimension and spread out via magic. Delighted giggles came from his dongsaengs who started to roll around on top of it.

Almost whites stared in longing at the small trio. Tiny fingers clenched and released the God of Love's clothes as his baby watched her siblings play. To the baby's surprise and joy, her father set her down onto the fabric barrier so she could join them. Eagerly, she crawled over to the boys as fast as she physically could. Nearly falling on her face in the process. Thankfully, all three of her oppas had caught her before she could. A happy squeal leaving her smiling lips.

"Oe-ba! Ka-ba! Ao-ba!"

<So cute~ Seriously, how did I get so lucky to have such precious kids?>

Lifting his sister up to meet his gaze, the eldest of the little quartet firmly explained.

"This great and mighty me's name is pronounced Raon, Dongsaeng. Ra-on."




Fully determined to teach her how to say his majestic name, the little boy continued to correct her for a full half hour. As he did so, their brothers ate snacks which had been set out for them by their unofficial grandfather. Both now cuddled up against their guardian who was resting on a pile of plush pillows eating a bowl of expertly cut up fruit that their sun kissed granny had given him. Kneeling reverently on the very edge of the blanket closest to the palace, the Headmaster silently observed the exalted existence lounging under the shade. A gentle breeze caused his flowing blood red hair to dance. Never would he have dreamt he'd get to spend such time with not just multiple Keeper's of Time, but also the Supreme Ruler of Love!

"Niall de Oiche."

Pale greens immediately focused on the ancient blond whose gaze was focused on the text covering the pale pages of the novel in his hand.

"Stop staring."

Obediently, the noble did as the superior entity had commanded. His hands fidgeted with his notepad which contained a multitude of questions he intended to ask them. Should he still attempt to do so? Stealthily, he peeked up at the teen whose piercing red-browns instantly landed on him. Causing goosebumps to form on his exposed flesh. Swallowing nervously, the corner's of the man's mouth twitched as they attempted to curl up into an ecstatic grin. Just how much untainted knowledge would an actual God possess compared to a long lived mortal like the esteemed dragons? There was no way he could waste this opportunity. This blessing which had been granted to him by the heavens themselves!

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