Chapter 252

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Silverish emerald reptilians shook as the deity stared in disbelief at his unique family and the representatives bowing, glorifying or praying to him. When the rest of the mortals present in the castle arrived, they froze in place at the majestic sight of the God of Love. For the few who had met the Moon God, the youth's beauty could only be described as superior in every way. It was absolutely breathtaking. Unable to stand due to the overwhelming aura which could only belong to a true sovereign of nature, the King and his men found themselves too helplessly falling to their knees. Their hands trembled as they lowered their heads to the floor. No mortal, let alone a mere human, had the right to command such an exalted existence. The fact they were still alive could only be attributed to how merciful and benevolent a God the 19 years old was.

Not even the Count could raise his head to look up at his firstborn. There was what could only be an invisible force restricting him. Was this instinct? Laying on the floor next to him was his deceased wife's brother. For some reason, the instant he had witnessed his nephew's splendor he had fainted. Had it been too much for him to bear? Or did his son just not like his uncle?

-Wow, Dongsaeng~ You look amazing~

-Holy s*-

-Ruslan. Language.

-Congratulations on becoming one step closer to becoming a mature God!

Surprise flickered in the youth's eyes when the usual burning sensation was not present as the other Gods communicated with him. Stoically, he peeked towards the large mirror.

<What the- How am I going to freaking hide my identity when I look like this?!>

-Don't worry too much about that, Sweetie. I've instructed Ilu and the dragons to teach you some important skills while we adjust your divine items to your current strength. Until we've finished modifying them, please remain inside my barrier. Okay? Just know I'm proud of you.

His entire body tingled with happiness. Fully aware of the extra weight on his back, the noble scooted to the edge of his bed which was closest to the younger of his five years old sons. He briskly lifted him up into a hug. Startling the boy in the process. Dark blues looked up at him in a mixture of confusion, curiosity and glee.

"Hey, Raon. Can you tell me how long I was unconscious for this time?"

With a smug grin, the black dragon proudly announced.

"Of course! This great and mighty me kept track! Papa's first growth phase lasted 19 days, 8 hours, 47 minutes and 18 seconds!"

<That means today is the 100th day since I was brought to this world...>

While he was chatting with his son, his family had gradually started to relax. Some had even begun to stand back up. Relief filled the deity when he saw them regaining their senses. Golds carefully observed the 19 years old before their owner queried.

"Uncle Beacrox. How long until lunch is served?"

The silver haired girl's question incited a chorus of comments from her dongsaengs.

"Noona's right!"

"I'm hungry!"

"When can I eat cakes and steak?!"

Suddenly, a piece of apple pie appeared in front of the God of Love's mouth. Black mana held it in place while the third youngest dragon buried his face into his father's warm chest. A familiar hand stroked his back causing his lips to twitch in happiness.

<So cute. Did he miss me that badly?>

Calmly, the youth looked around the room for the emerald haired boy. As expected, the child was watching him from his partner's arms. Their eyes met briefly, but the blond subconsciously averted his gaze with bright red ears.

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