Chapter 236

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Once they got back, the deity got his wounds treated and spent the rest of the evening relaxing with his family. He spent the time slacking off. Between eating snacks, reading to his children and drawing, the youth took some time to process what he had discussed earlier with the Crown Prince. At the same time he made sure to record the smiles and laughter of the members of his precious household. His happiness continued to grow by the minute. In fact, he couldn't help wishing that the peace would continue to last. At least just a little while longer. Sadly, things rarely go the way he wants them to. Especially when the God of Despair had been quiet for this long. There was a nagging feeling something bad was going to happen soon. Pushing the unpleasant thought out of his mind, he decided to cherish this tranquil time while he still could.

Later that night, the noble found himself unable to sleep due to this foreboding sensation. Not wanting to disturb anyone else's slumber, he decided to take a walk in the garden with the hopes it would help him relax. Pulling on a robe over his pajamas, he grabbed his spatial pouch and stealthily left his room. An almost white gaze silently watched him leave.

A crisp breeze welcomed the God of Love as he strolled amongst the flowerless shrubbery. As he passed by them, tiny blooms started appearing on their branches in response to his positive emotions influencing his divine energy. Stoically, he touched a rose bush's leaf while he was lost in thought about things his fiancé had told him when they were alone.

<I should talk to Papa before I confirm everything with Choi Han and the others. He would know what to do in this situation. Each of them are irreplaceable members of my family...>

Sighing from exhaustion, the 19 years old continued to walk for a bit until he located a bench underneath a tree. Briskly, he sat down on it prior to pulling out a bottle of wine from his bag.

<Should I ask Noona to return Jung Soo to me? She's probably been punishing him for sneaking into her warehouse for me.>

Silverish emeralds peered up at the starry sky above while he drank the alcohol inside the glass container in his hand. His long snowy locks danced around his face with the wind. It was a very majestic scene for the entity hidden in the shadows to witness. Regrettably, a massive explosion of blue flame originating from the master bedroom broke the stillness of the night. Horror was visible on the deity's usually expressionless face as the item he had been holding fell helplessly to the ground and shattered.


<My kids!>

Jumping to his feet, he hastily activated his wind ancient power and was about to propel himself towards the raging fire. He knew that the divine items, immortals and dragons would be able to protect them. However, that didn't lessen the amount of trauma they would experience from this.

<I'll destroy that motherf***ing God of Despair if a single hair on my children's heads is burnt!>

Just as he was about to charge forward, something struck the back of his neck with enough force to knock the noble unconscious. Throwing the now limp youth over his shoulder like he was a sack of potatoes, the intruder searched for one of his companions. They needed to get out of there before either of the assassin or torture expert arrived.


Burnt oranges focused on the youngest of his party who was rushing towards him with a panicked expression. The instant the other noticed the 19 years old, he slowed down.

"Didn't we just come to retrieve the brat?"

Frowning at the ignorance of his associate, the white haired man retorted.

"Clearly that failed. Let's go."


Shooting the youngster a glare, the elder growled.

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