Chapter 231

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Once the group arrived back at their room in the inn, they undid their disguises before receiving the hugs of greeting from the rest of their family. Happiness turned into confusion as the young flock watched their father gathering their things. However, when they saw the older kitten quickly start assisting him, everyone else joined in packing up their belongings as well. None of them even bothered to ask any questions since there was clearly something going on that they didn't know about. Even the swordmaster took some of the children to the other room to collect their things. Thanks to all of their effort, it only took fifteen minutes for them to be ready to leave.

"Here, Papa~"

With a proud grin, the older of the dark elves handed her guardian the last of the art supplies. A hand patted her head in praise prior to the youth putting the items in his spatial pouch. Pale blues observed the God of Love curiously. What had happened that involved them suddenly leaving like this? Did they get attacked or blow something up? Was the enemy in town?

"Where are we going next?"

"Emeline is waiting for us at our new villa."

This unfamiliar name caused the kids to look at their siblings for answers. Briskly, the eldest of the five who had accompanied him queried.

"Shouldn't we call Grandpa Ron for help? There's a lot of people in the cages who need to be healed, fed, cleaned up and dressed. You aren't planning to do all of that yourself. Right?"

<True. Amna told me not to overdo it. I could easily summon Ilu... Although that only helps with the first of the tasks. Papa would definitely be able to help... I just don't know if I'm ready yet...>

Running his hand through his long snowy locks, the deity sighed.

"Alright. I'll-"

Immediately, the communication device he had handed to the nobleman earlier appeared in front of him. Dark blues sparkled in excitement while the child connected the call.

<When did he take that from the Marquis?>

Its screen glowed briefly prior to a familiar blond with sky blue eyes appearing on the screen.

<S***! He called Alberu instead of Eruhaben...>


"Good evening, Your Highness. Is Ron or Beacrox there?"

Silence filled the space around him while the kids all gazed at him with conflicted expressions on their faces. Why was he calling their grandfather and uncle by their first names? Additionally, they had definitely just heard him address his fiancé formally. They could even see the prince's stoic mask falter in response to his partner's words.

-Is there something I can help you with?

"Just tell them I need their help."

Pulling out the deed of the land, he showed the mixed blood the coordinates of the villa.

"Have them meet me here. Emeline is already waiting for us there."

-Wait. Who's Eme-

Before the Future King could finish his question, the 19 years old disconnected the call.

"Are you upset with Daddy?"


Picking up his youngest, the God of Love emotionlessly disclosed.

"You could say I'm currently unhappy with all of the adults in our family."

Each of his children peeked at the single lifer who nodded with a sorrowful expression. If he hadn't needed someone to help him take care of the kids, the swordmaster knew his lord wouldn't have brought him along at all. Yet it even hurt more hearing it come directly from the deity's lips. Now that his flock was ready to go, the youth announced.

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