Chapter 365

225 19 1

Long blood red strands danced in the crisp winter breeze. A pair of weary red-browns peered down at a group of children dressed in thick fur coats. Cheerful laughter flowed through the air as they played in the freshly fallen snow. Blending in with the excited chatter of the elementals who were responsible for the sudden creation of the blanket of white. While most of the flock built snow people or tossed snowballs at each other, the newest four kittens were happily rolling around in the fluffy ice crystals. Of the siblings, the golden haired boy manipulated the shimmery snowflakes so that they swirled and arched above them.

Standing with an incomplete snowball in her gloved hands, the eldest of the Fog Cat children quietly observed his ability in increasing intrigue. If they combined his ability with hers and her brother's, they would easily be able to create a poisonous snowstorm on par with the one which used to rage in the North. Her eyes sparkled as she imagined how proud her father would be of them. Just as she was about to return her attention to the snowy warfare that was happening around her, the soon to be 12 years old witnessed the younger two of the triplets vanish.

As if they had melted into the snow. Panic fought with curiosity. Was this an ability? Or was there a chance that an invisible enemy had snuck in and kidnapped them? Instinctively, her gaze shot towards their guardian who did not appear to be worried. Relief immediately replaced her growing unease. Causing her to look back at the location where the duo had previously been giggling together. Pupils shook as she watched them reappear. Almost as if the light was refracting off their white fur. Could that be how they had suddenly disappeared? If so, such an would certainly be useful during their grandfather's stealth lessons.

<Ho~ So Rhys and Vivi can turn invisible without magic~ Add Gita's ability to alter temperature and Nitya's ability to control snow. Shouldn't these kids have been cherished by their tribe?>

China clinking drew the deity's focus to the man who raised him. A steaming cup of chamomile tea with slices of lemon in it was handed to the youth while the assassin observed his adorable grandchildren. Draped over his arm was a thick fur lined cloak he had brought out for his puppy of a son to wear. Silently, the redhead assessed the brunet's attire. Unlike the butler uniform he had worn during their last visit, he now wore an expensive navy doublet jacket that emphasized his broad shoulders. Delicate silver embroidery decorated the front while its high collar shielded his neck from the cold wind. On his chest were three unique brooches that bore crests affiliated with the God of Love's temples, Amare and the Molan Grand Duchy of Roija. Each one proudly displayed for the entire world to see. Especially for the despicable rats who helped his enemies slaughter his family almost twenty years prior.

"Would you like me to send someone to investigate the Snow Cat Tribe villages?"


Concerned chocolates glanced over at the redhead who was stoically sipping his drink. A faint multicolored light still enveloped this youngest. However, it had gotten noticeably weaker over the last several hours. Surprise flashed momentarily across the 19 years old's face when his adoptive father removed his glove and touched his forehead. Instantly, the immortal's eyebrows furrowed together and a worried frown replaced his earlier smile. If someone without a God's protection tried touching the deity's skin in his current state, they would definitely get burned.

"Your divine energy has become quite unstable, Cale. I think it's time you go inside and rest."

No objection came from his child which further proved the stubborn God of Love's condition had begun to decline. Meaning the God of Healing's ring would reach its limit very soon. Even if it temporarily nullified all of the youth's pain, it wouldn't lessen the exhaustion that resulted from his constant exposure to despair. After taking another minute to record the happy expressions of his children, the father and son pair turned to enter the deity's guest room.

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