Chapter 240

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Two hours later a vortex formed near the edge of the mini clearing they were in. Instantly, the mortals became alert. To the deity's surprise, most of them stood in front of him as if to protect him from whoever or whatever was going to come out of the portal. It didn't matter that they were terrified themselves. They all desired to protect the one they believed was a God. After all, he was able to purify the once barren land. Suddenly, four tiny blurs flew out of it and speedily maneuvered through all of them. Blue. Green. Violet. Black. Each one crashed into the startled youth's chest. Gasps of surprise came from their lips when they saw three boys and a baby dragon were clinging to the 19 years old. Faint multicolored light shimmered around their tiny forms. Happiness radiated out of all four of them.

<Did my divine energy protect them while they traveled between worlds?>

Not far behind the kids were five men who had stepped into view with their hands on the hilts of their swords. Only one of them appeared to be unarmed, but that was because his daggers were currently concealed. With a bright smile, the wanderer greeted the God of Love.

"I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long, Donsaeng~"

Seeing members of his family after being away from them for over a month nearly caused the noble to cry. He was relieved by their very presence. His attention was drawn back to the kids on his lap when the five years old at last noticed the little fox.

"Who's this, Papa?"

<Good question. I haven't actually asked any of them their names.>

Silence filled the space when they heard the older of the children address the stranger as his father. Dark blues examined the fiery fur ball before their owner introduced himself.

"My name is Raon Miru Henituse Molan Crossman Thames! Nice to meet you, Noona!"

<Is he adding Mama's maiden name now?>

-They all are. Also, would you rather we refer to you as Amias or Cale here?

Blacks glanced at the assassin while the youth telepathically answered.

<Amias for now.>

A slight nod confirmed the immortals understood. When no response came from the fox, the black dragon peered up at his guardian and queried.

"Can she not understand me?"

Dark blues peered down at the newest rose gold bracelet on his wrist.

"Is the divine item not translating my words?"

<Ho? Did Amna give them those so that they could communicate?>

Ruffling his son's raven locks affectionately, the 19 years old confirmed the child's suspicions.

"Don't worry, Raon. She's a little shy and hasn't spoken to me yet either."

His words caused the boy to sulk. However, his green haired son began petting the girl's fur like he did for his cat and rabbit noonas. This caused her pupils to quake in response. Instinctively, she nuzzled her head into the younger child's palm.

<I should probably introduce them.>

Turning his gaze to his newest companions, the God of Love announced.

"These are some of the members of my family. The rest will join us in the near future."

Most of the adults nodded in understanding. Although they remain focused on the baby blue dragon curled up on his lap. Were they seeing things? Anxiously, the peach haired elf walked over to her guardian and offered a flower to the majestic being with trembling hands. Yet, when the violet and black haired boys noticed her, they undisguised their eyes which caused her to fall to the ground in awe.

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