Chapter 272

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AN: I apologize for the late post. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!


Half an hour flew by as they discussed what sort of support each party amongst the alliance would provide for the others during the chaotic time. Each time there was even the slightest bit of greed in the conversation, the Crown Prince would glance at his clearly exhausted fiancé before expertly manipulating things in Roan's favor. However, he made sure that his efforts would benefit his growing family far more than it ever would his father and half-siblings. Every so often, he would find himself peeking at the newly arrived God in silent curiosity. Yet he dared not pry too much since he understood it was not his place to do so.

"Regarding Breck's weaponry and supply needs, His Holy Eminence could just lend us some of his extensive weapon collection and-"

Numerous glares were shot at the official by those who knew the youth's identity. How dare a mere mortal- A human suggest or request such a thing of a God?! Suddenly, a voice laced with ice and fire drew everyone's attention to the fiery haired mage's younger brother. His red irises appeared to be ablaze in his righteous rage.

"Lord Burtus. Are you or the Breck Kingdom superior to the Gods and their wishes?"

Instantly, the older man's face paled in horror. Did it really come across in such a way? Terror radiated out of him as he warily peeked at each of the representatives sitting opposite of him.

"N-No, Your Highness!"

What the group heard next both amazed and amused the eldest of the ancient dragons.

"This land is sacred land. It is the land of the Gods. The place where their Grand Temple is located. Everything you see around us belongs to these majestic entities. No mortal, especially not a human, has any claim to it or the right to touch it without a God's permission. Not even the mighty dragons of legends can step on this land if the Gods don't want them to! Therefore, that armory and everything else you may covet are off limits in this alliance discussion. Am I clear?"

-Ho! Kid's got guts.

<...he's a f***ing fanatic...>

-This prince has heart and passion! I should recruit him for my Lady's church! Unless of course the God of Love or one of the other Esteemed Ones has their eyes set upon him.

<...Angelina-noona can have him. Having a crazy devotee around who isn't a representative is far worse than having that annoying sis-con around.>

-I didn't expect Rosalyn's brother to be like this.

<Neither did I Cage. Neither did I...>

A nod of fear and desperation came from the official who would proceed to remain silent for the remaining duration of the meeting. He did not want to enrage his prince or princess any more than he already had. Nor did he want to obtain the wrath of the Gods on himself or his kingdom.

"Speaking of the Gods-"

When all gazes focused on the mana-resistant mage, he anxiously asked.

"Has there been any decree from the God of Love?"

<Looks like he's figured out what my domain is.>

With a stoic expression on his face, the noble answered the nervous human's question.


Every single mortal there held their breath in anticipation of what was going to be said.

"As everyone is aware, an investigation into the Sun God's church was launched after the assassination of the Pope. It has come to my attention that he and many of the higher officials were corrupt. Not only did they stray away from their God's teachings, but they tormented her beloved representatives. In fact, the bodies of nine of the previous Saints and Holy Maidens have been discovered in the underground cavern below a hidden room. It has been confirmed that they were murdered by the Pope's and higher clergy over the last few decades."

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