Chapter 209

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Wearily, the patriarch of the Molan Household sat reading through some files on the bed next to his youngest's unconscious form. It had been three weeks since they arrived at the temple of the God of Life. Yet, the redhead still had not woken up. At first, he had been extremely feverish and quivered in constant pain. Over six representatives had been gathered to treat the young deity over the duration of their stay. Even with the assistance of numerous divine items, only the multicolored rose he had hidden from them inside his spatial pouch had any real impact on his condition. According to what the eldest of the Saint's said, it was a bloom which had been raised in the ethereal realm by their liege themself.

Stroking his son's head, he glanced over at the delicate flower on the side table. Unfortunately, more than half of its petals have withered now. Meaning there were only five more uses left out of what should have been twenty. He recalled how the punk's reacted when he found out that the God of Life had specifically grown that for the stubborn noble. How could his youngest use something so precious on someone else? Especially a mortal? Suddenly, a familiar voice called out to his firstborn just outside the bedroom's door.


Sound of tiny feet running stopped just outside the room.

"Has Daddy come to see Papa yet?"

They could hear the hope in the young dark elf's words which caused both their hearts to ache.

"No. His Highness is still unable to do so."

"Oh... Okay..."

Instantly, the sorrow overtook the child. Hidden anger fluctuated in the torture expert's browns.

"Don't worry, Ulrim. Tasha says His Highness will come visit soon. For now, focus on your studies with your siblings. Alright?"


In the end, his statement didn't reassure the six years old. This added to the chef's rage. Swiftly, he opened the door and strolled over to his father. Setting a plate of food down next to him, he stoically observed his younger brother while reporting.

"Miss Rosalyn has returned with Choi Han from the Breck Kingdom. She says her parents and brother have agreed to form an Alliance with Roan Kingdom. Furthermore, she has officially become the Captain of the Breck and Roan Kingdom's Mage Alliance."

Exhausted dark browns finally peered up at him from the documents in their owner's hands.

"Have the punk restart the kids' sword lessons once he's settled."

"Yes, Father."

A brief moment of silence followed prior to the older of the two brunet's inquiring.

"What did Tasha say when she called earlier?"

Frowning slightly as he recalled the conversation, the torture expert reported.

"His Majesty still has not removed the secret order prohibiting Alberu from leaving his palace."

Turning the page, the assassin continued to query.

"What about Deruth?"

"According to both Amare's and Alberu's informants, he has not been allowed to return to the Henituse territory yet. Apparently, he hasn't been seen since he entered the King's palace to meet with His Majesty in private."

A whimper came from the redhead. Immediately, the older immortal reached back out to comfort his youngest. Liquid light stained his pale cheeks which he expertly wiped away.

"Chances are he's been imprisoned until the King can figure out how to deal with everything."

"Should I send people to break him out?"

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