Chapter 346

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Absolute silence filled the room as everyone waited for the God of Love to answer the tiny Holy Maiden. This had been a topic of grave concern for all of them. Especially for those who had seen his drawings over the past year and a half. Multiple children peered over at their guardian from their cots. Pale greens swirled in the air around them. None of them wanted to face the horrifying creatures they had seen projected on the screen earlier that day. Even if the deity knew how to fight them, these monsters were massive and proved to be a problem for even the God of War's Saint. Just thinking about the amount of destruction and death they could cause was incredibly unnerving for the mortals throughout the guestroom.

No reply came from the 19 years old whose records of his past lives were going berserk in his mind. Causing him to relive the destruction of both worlds. Monster roars. War. Unending blood shed which was accompanied by countless deaths and despair.

It wasn't until a strand of lemon yellow divine energy from the ring on his hand enveloped him that he could return his focus to the situation in front of him. However, those who had been attentively observing him had noticed how his eyes had become hazy and distant. Even how his hands had started to tremble ever so slightly. His stoic mask could not hide his distress. There was no doubt in their minds that it had been another flashback episode.

Thankfully, the God of Healing's divine item had helped end it before anything serious could happen to him or his surroundings. Although everyone present was extremely worried about his mental and emotional health. For those who knew nothing about his life as Kim Rok Soo, they couldn't help wondering what sort of trauma he had related to the aforementioned monsters.

"Are you alright, Papa?"

Dyed red-browns landed on a very concerned White Wolf who had scooted closer to his father when he didn't answer his sister. His pale blue irises were searching the noble's face for any further hint of suffering that the other may be trying to hide from them.

<Do I tell them?>

Pupils shook momentarily while the deity speedily considered every single possible scenario in his head. Most of which ended negatively. Yet there was one recurring one which consistently resurfaced within the others. One which was based on his observations of his makeshift family over the past almost two years. They accepted him. Insisted on caring for him even though he was trash. Definitely went crazy with their overprotectiveness. Yet none of them had abandoned him. Even going as far as to put their lives in danger to be with him. So then... Should he tell them a bit about his past? Or maybe their potential future?

-We're here, Dongsaeng. You don't have to push yourself if you're not ready to talk about it.

Glancing over at the torture expert, an unexpected wave of relief overpowered the other chaotic emotions overwhelming the God of Love. Resulting in his shoulders visibly relaxing. Shifting the silver haired child on his lap into a more comfortable position, the youth stoically announced.

"Those monsters will only appear on this planet if I fail to stop my opposite's b*- dogs and his puppet from collecting enough sacrifices."

Surprise flickered across the majority of his family's faces when the stubborn teen actually answered his daughter's question. Unfortunately, the happiness many were feeling quickly disappeared when one of the younger Blue Wolves repeated.


Terror could be seen in her trembling eyes. Hadn't her tribe been wiped out for the sole purpose of her and her siblings being taken as sacrifices?! This time, it was the wanderer who replied.

"In order to summon the Cursed One- the God of Despair's temple, a certain amount of despair must be created. Additionally, the actual ceremony will require numerous sacrifices."

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