Chapter 298

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While the trio were maneuvering through the crowded streets, they searched for a vendor who may have a carriage they could hide in. As expected, multiple knights and soldiers were running around in a panicked state while shouting to find their missing young master. Thankfully, their disguise spells had worked in the illusion and they were able to move around without being noticed. In fact, they were pretending to be a couple who were visiting the market with their two sons. Although their youngest had fallen asleep due to his weak constitution. Only once had someone stopped them to confirm their identities. However, when he saw that neither child had red hair, he apologized for stopping them and returned to his companions.

After an hour, they successfully located a merchant who was willing to give them a ride to Harris Village. To their surprise, the mortal didn't ask any questions regarding their situation. Instead he provided them with food, a change of clothes and medical supplies. Halfway to their destination, a massive horde of monsters almost seemed to materialize out of an eerie fog. Every single one charged towards their vehicle as if the most delicious meal or valuable treasure was inside.

"S***! Why are there monsters outside of the Forest of Darkness?!"

Trying to control the horses, they saw the vendor redirect the carriage and they began a race to see if they could outrace the blood thirsty predators chasing them. At the same time, a groan came from the boy in the assassin's arms. White and gold radiance stained his bandaged cheeks while he trembled from the agony that was steadily increasing throughout his body.

"It's going to be alright, Amias."

A quiet voice coupled with a gentle hand stroking his back kept the God of Love from regaining consciousness. They could not let him get even more traumatized by this illusion. Even if it meant they had to suffer in his stead, the trio had already resolved themselves to do so.

-Sheritt. If necessary, would you be able to transform and fly in your dragon form?

Matching browns saw her shake her head ever so slightly.

-It would seem that some restrictions have been placed on me since Cale is still weaker than the God of Despair. I can only use my attribute, basic magic and some of my divine powers.

This news caused the patriarch of the Molan Household to frown. Didn't that mean they were in a very tight spot? How were they going to get his youngest safely to the God of Life's temple?


All attention moved to the merchant who was leaning forward while trying to confirm the sight in front of him. As if the Gods were answering the immortals' unspoken questions, a pair of twins with golden hair were standing directly in front of their carriage. Their robes both bore a familiar sun while the younger of the duo had a sword in her hand. An aura of light surrounded its blade as she charged towards them. In one swift movement, this little girl launched an attack on the approaching monsters and disgusting reddish black blood splattered everywhere around her.

"Stop the carriage!"

Completely confused by the situation he was in, the man did as the mysterious priestess had commanded. To his surprise, the boy climbed into their vehicle and hurried over to the man who was holding his slumbering child. Were they connected to the Sun God's temples? His dark green eyes widened when he saw the blond uncover the boy's face. Light! The child was crying light! How in the world was that possible?! Taking a moment to confirm the young God's overall condition, the tiny Saint informed the immortals with a grim expression.

"Our Lady told me that we don't have much time."

Other than the very baffled outsider, none of the immortals needed him to expand on his words.

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