Chapter 307

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AN: Doubt as a writer has been nagging at me lately. Should I continue to write? Is there a reason to keep going? Has this become boring and pointless for my readers? Well, here is another chapter. I can only hope you all enjoy it. Even if it isn't the best. Thank you all for your continued support! I will try to post the next one soon.


It took two days of travel by carriage before the envoy at last could see the towering stone walls of the fortress city known to be the center of knowledge. Tall structures which almost rivalled the former Magic Tower peeked out from behind the protective barrier. Fluttering in the sky above them were matching flags which bore an unfamiliar bright green crest of an open book with a plant sprouting out from its center. Two long lines of carriages crammed full of scholars, mages, potential students and various other types of researchers blocked the city gate. Their numbers far outnumbered the awaiting merchants trying to enter. Dozens of knights rushed around with strange devices in their hands as they greeted their potential brethren or aids.

Upon seeing that they'd have a long wait, the delegation elected a small group of soldiers who would hold their place in the line. Then they moved off to the side of the road and set up a makeshift camp where they could rest while they ate their lunch. Lighthearted chatter filled the space around them while those stuck in their carriages drooled over the delicious scent wafting towards them. It was a temptation which nearly broke many of the seasoned academics. There was no way they could lose their place over mere food! Even if it smelled like it was made by the divine themselves! Eventually, an elderly man with pure white hair alighted his vehicle which startled his companions. A few even exchanged perplexed looks prior to following after him.

As they approached the strange group, they noticed numerous alert and cautious gazes focus on them. Each one sent chills of terror and unease down the outsiders' spines. Yet the senior continued to stroll over to them. To his apprentices and comrades, he appeared unfazed by the tense and somewhat murderous atmosphere around him. However, that was not even close to being the case at all. In fact, there was an abnormal existence within the group which was more terrifying than the others. His trembling gaze was focused on that person. That was why he could not stop walking. There were too many questions flowing within his skull.

"Good afternoon."

Goosebumps formed on his exposed skin when a pair of piercing red-browns focused on him.

"Your meal smells delicious."

<Obviously it is. Hyung made it.>

Without even having to look at his eldest, the assassin knew exactly what sort of expression the younger immortal had on his face. One of pride hidden behind a serious mask. Although he was tempted to glance over at his firstborn, the brunet dare not do so. There was something unusual about this elderly man who had approached his youngest. Where had he seen him before?

"May we join you?"

Suddenly, a minister started to cough as he choked on his tea. How could anyone have the gall to approach someone seated outside of carriages which bore the Moon God's crest? Did they have a death wish? Or were they also associated with the temples?

<What the f*- Who even is this f*- freaking bastard?>

It was as if the temperature outside had instantly dropped. Almost like they were standing on a vast icy tundra. Shivering from the cold, one of the elder's apprentices noticed that the sound of the birds singing and wind blowing had all disappeared. Like time had stopped. Was that even possible? Shaked the absurd thought out of their head, they looked up at their instructor who was patiently waiting for the inhumanly attractive stranger's response. A gasp slipped out of the young boy's lips when he realized why his teacher had approached them specifically. No human was that beautiful! Was he an elf? There was no telling what sort of irreplaceable and valuable knowledge he possessed!

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