Chapter 237

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Over the next month, the youth continued to wander through the wastelands cleansing the land of dead mana. Occasionally, he would come across ruins of villages or walled cities which had been long since destroyed. There were even a few which could be used again if they were fixed up a bit. Each time he located one, he made sure to record its coordinates before continuing on in his travels. After a couple weeks, a raven started to follow him from a distance.

On the night of the forty-third day since he arrived in the world, the noble at last discovered a fancy stone mansion amongst the ruined landscape. It lit up the darkness while unfamiliar, yet beautiful music flowed out of its numerous opened windows. Silhouettes of people dancing could be seen through its windows. Had it not been for the amount of fear and despair radiating out from under the building, the God of Love would have just ignored it.

<They must be members of the dark affinity races to be living out here. If they're bastards then I'm definitely going to f***ing make them pay.>

Stealthily, the 19 years old lessened his presence and stealthily snuck around the building. He used his wind ancient power to fly up to one of the balconies in order to peek inside. Just as the youth landed on the ledge, the twin glass doors burst open and a boy with grayish white hair stormed outside. Anger radiated out of him as he muttered in frustration.

"...I'm going to make that old bat pay for this..."

<Ho? Is he a vampire?>

A man in a suit came out after the child.

"Young Master-nim."

"Go away, Piotre! I don't care what my father says. As long as he insists I drink blood from an unwilling party, I am not going back inside!"

<Kids got good morals.>

Bowing respectfully, the servant calmly reminded his charge.

"Please reconsider. Young Lady Lyyti and your mother will suffer for your actions if you continue to disobey his commands."

Grasping the railing tightly, the boy finally resigned himself to his fate by coldly saying.

"Tell Father I will rejoin them once I have regained my composure."

Immediately, the butler disappeared from sight in order to complete his task.

"...I need to find a way out of here..."

While the tiny vampire was reaffirming his resolve, the God of Love queried.

"What are you willing to pay to achieve that goal?"

Magenta irises quickly shot towards the source of the unfamiliar voice.

"Who's there?!"

"An ally. If you want to leave this place, pack your things in a spatial pouch and tell your father you are going to take a walk outside. Bring anyone you want to take with you."

Suspiciously, the child searched the shadows while he demanded.

"Why are you helping me?"

"I have business with your father."

Chills ran down the boy's back with what he heard next.

"You could say I've come to collect payment from him for something that he has done. In an hour, everyone inside this mansion will be forced to pay this price on his behalf. Children like you should not have to suffer for the choices that their parents made."

Testing to see how flexible this mysterious stranger was, the vampire disclosed.

"My mother is ill and won't be able to travel much."

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now