Chapter 341

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Red-browns shook when the rift in space opened in front of him and multiple members of his family appeared in front of his current form. His mind was a chaotic mess as he panicked over how they'd react. Would they end up growing to hate him because he had hid yet another secret from them? To his surprise and relief, the little Holy Maidens raced right over to him. Each one hugged him as tight as they could in order to comfort and reassure their clueless father. After an awkward minute had passed, the God of Love's knelt down and returned the trio's embrace.

"Thank you, Sweethearts."

His voice was quiet enough that only his daughter and the experts could hear it.

""We love you, Papa~""

"Love lots!"

Both of the twins giggled when they heard their adorable dongsaeng chime in after them. Her tight dark gray curls bounced as she rubbed her cheek against their guardian's leg. As she did, an unusual sense of happiness spread throughout the deity. One which each of his immortals sensed. Smiles grew on their lips. At least until they heard the sound of a building collapsing in the distance. It was accompanied by an unfamiliar roar. All three of his daughters jumped from fright and clung to him even tighter. Everyone could see the remains of the monster that their family member had dispatched prior to their arrival.

"W-Where's Unnie?"

Shaking pupils peered up at him while the sisters waited for him to answer the question.

"I suspect the Northern part of the city."

Multiple of the adults nodded in understanding while preparing for combat. While they did, the God of Love examined the group who had just arrived. Every single one of the representatives who usually traveled with him were present. With them were the two of the adult mortal dragons, the single lifer and his immortals. Plus someone he had never expected to see. The slumbering child form of the God of Space's Saint. Meeting his father's gaze, the entity of light inquired.

"Come to think of it. Why did you all come here?"

<It's obvious that Doak brought them. I can't figure out why Mata of all Gods would suddenly get involved. This isn't like them at all.>

Accepting the damp cloth from the disguised golden dragon, the assassin strolled over to his son and began to wipe the dirt and monster blood off his face. His hand faltered slightly when it passed over every single scar marring the other's flesh.

"A screen appeared in the air above us after you entered the portal. It projected you in this world and caused a lot of unrest within the gathered crowd. Thankfully, Lee Soo Hyuk came up with a plan to control the situation. With the God of Death's help, Cage managed to relocate the screen to another room and out of the outsiders."

Horror flickered across the deity's previously stoic face. How could that bastard expose him like this? Was there anything he could even say to the humans which would explain his change in appearance like this? Fear rapidly turned into rage which caused his eyes to glow. Although the face of his fiance surfacing amongst his records resulted in his rage becoming anxious again.


-Don't worry. We told him you will explain everything to him when you return.

Patting his dongsaeng's shoulder, the torture expert added with a tinge of pride in his voice.

"Somehow my future brother-in-law managed to convince Her Majesty and the annoying nobles from both kingdoms that you are currently using a divine item. Due to his explanation, every single outsider now believes you activated the Ring of Disguise in order to avoid detection while you search for your missing daughter."

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