Chapter 274

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A tiny finger poked the slumbering deity's cheek. When he did not show any signs of stirring, the violet haired boy yet again poked his father. This continued for a few minutes before a piercing set of silverish emeralds opened and focused on the second youngest dragon. To the youth's surprise, he and his kids weren't alone. Seated at the center of his bed was his reincarnated mother who had been reading a story to the young flock. Her familiar red-browns focused on him when the toddler happily giggled in response to his belly being tickled.

"Good morning, Sweetie."

Just as he opened his mouth to respond, the black dragon propelled himself into the noble's chest. His dark blues sparkled in excitement.

"Hurry and get up, Papa! Grandma Jour says we can come with her to meet the rest of our family! She says we will get to meet the Thames today!"


To the five years old's surprise, the God of Love instantly sat up and looked at his mother in unspoken unease. His reptilians quaked as he recalled the numerous risks awaiting them.

<That's right. Mama says she would head out after the alliance meeting. S***! I haven't even had time to prepare. What if they try to capture Mama? Would she be mad if I cursed or killed her family? Not to mention the fact that the ally representatives are still here. I can't just leave them alone unattended. I need Papa, Hyung and the dragons with me. Plus Freesia needs to run some errands for me which are related to Amare. Should I leave Hans, Hillsman, Lurel and a Saint to care for the Royals while I'm gone?>

Due to his unexpected reaction, the older of the kittens moved closer and restrained her overly energetic dongsaeng before asking.

"Are you okay, Papa?"

It took a moment for her guardian to look at her. Everyone could tell he was worried about something even though his face was currently expressionless.

"Of course, On."

His gaze then turned to his eldest adopted sons.

"Hoza. Lock. Make sure to watch your siblings very closely when we visit the Thames. If you feel uncomfortable with anyone there, protect your siblings and find an adult without red hair."

Both boys nodded in understanding. They recalled a certain redhead who had seriously upset their father while they were visiting the other planet. Would they be seeing him again? Is that why their guardian had suddenly become so anxious? Stealthily, they exchanged a look with each other. No matter what they had to do, they would protect their family.

At the same time, their father slipped out of the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. Minutes later, he had returned wearing a loose black shirt which had golden clasps at the base of his neck and an open back. He had paired it with a pair of burgundy pants and a fashionable belt that accentuated his slender waist. His long hair was dyed blood red and had been pulled back into a half updo by a burgundy ribbon. They could see he was wearing all of his divine items including a new ring which piqued his kids' interest. However, they didn't pry about it.

Now that he was dressed, the young flock knew it was time to leave. Eagerly, they rushed towards the door to let the rest of their family know. Once the kids had left the bedroom, the young brunette climbed off the bed before hugging him tightly around his waist.

"You look very handsome, Sweetie."

Placing a quick kiss on the top of his reincarnated mother's head, the youth remarked.

"Really? Most people tell me I'm beautiful rather than handsome."


He heard the little Korean chuckle in amusement. She reached up and stroked his cheek.

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