Chapter 280

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White marble cracked and shattered as crystalline vines burst forth from the floor in front of the God of Love. They grew out in front of the deity towards the stone barrier in front of him. At the same time, the entire cavern started to quake. Reddish black fire burst forth from the staircase and the once closed door. Out of the corner of his eye, the youth could see the pillars crumble while the formerly gold vines became a murky reddish black snake which charged towards him.


Not taking his eyes off his destination, the youth tries to summon his wood ancient power to protect himself. To his horror, the flames quickly consumed the newly grown branches.

<How in the f**ing realms am I supposed to prevent its attack while also creating a new path?>

An eerie hiss came from the serpent which as it rapidly approached. Doing his best to remain calm, the entity of light quickened his pace and finally arrived at the very edge of the stone enclosure. Without stopping, he reached out towards the marble wall which crumbled apart before he could even touch it. On the other side was a vast darkness. Immediately, the vines he was walking on grew out into the unknown. Each emitted a weak radiance that helped to guide his way through the empty abyss. Thankfully, the snake did not follow him into the darkness.



"Please help us!"

With every step, a new voice filled with fear and despair filled the chasm around the youth.

"Save me!"

<I can't.>

"I'm scared!"

<I have to keep walking.>

Even though his instincts were shouting at him to help the souls, the God of Love knew he could not deviate from the path he was creating. There was only one chance. No matter what he heard or saw, he had to keep going forward until he reached his final destination. After what felt like hours, the helpless pleas changed into hurtful insults.



"How could I have ever trusted you!"

<You shouldn't...>

"Why would you do this to us?"

Balling his fists at his side, the 19 years old kept walking towards his goal.

"What have we ever done to you to deserve such treatment?"

<I could list a lot of things...>

"I hate you!"

His step faltered briefly when he heard a very familiar voice, but the deity managed to regain his concentration and composure.

<Ignore them. Just like how they ignored you.>

"You trash! Do the world a favor and disappear already!"


This time he spoke out loud and what appeared to be a spark flickered in the darkness.

<Hmmm? Is there something out there?>

"Such a waste of space!"

Records flowed uncontrollably into the youth's head with every voice he heard. Each one caused a wave of chaotic emotions to run rampant in his body which made his light quiver.



"No one will ever love you!"

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now