Chapter 239

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The God of Love walked through the newly formed forest for a few minutes before discovering a small pond. Inside its crystalline waters were various types of fish and aquatic plants. Leisurely, he approached a rock resting at its edge and sat on top of it. He placed the divine item in front of him prior to searching his surroundings. Just as he infused his divine energy into the device, a rustling sound came from the tall grass directly behind him. Dyed blacks swiftly turned to see familiar fiery fur struggling to get over to him. Stoically, the youth got back up and lifted the little fox onto his selected stony seat. What he didn't know was that a baffled blond was staring at him this entire time. Sky blues quaked as they tried to figure out what they were seeing. It wasn't until he got a good look at the man's face that the prince realized the person's identity.


As soon as he exclaimed his partner's name, everyone who had been discussing how they were going to locate their precious family member rapidly started to rush over. Tears filled the children's already swollen eyes when they saw their father was on the screen. Even if he was disguised they could easily recognize him. Although they didn't recognize the creature laying on his lap. None of the adults were familiar with the landscape behind him. This confirmed their suspicions that he had indeed been taken to a different world. After all, they had looked all over the Eastern and Western Continents for him over the last two weeks. They didn't want to accept what the Gods had said as reality. Yet, now they had no other choice except to do so.

-Papa! Hurry up and come home!

Stroking the fox's back to soothe himself, the 19 years old did his best to maintain his usual expressionless mask while he informed his group.

"I can't, Raon. Right now I'm stranded on this world until Amna increases their presence here."


"If any of the other Gods' try to move me between realms, they'll either only be able to move my divine form or end up destroying my physical body."

Silence was the response to his comment. Multiple worried glances were exchanged by the older members. Would he even be able to remain in the mortal realm if that happened? Doing his best to remain calm, the Future King inquired.

-Is there anything we can do to help you from here?


-Grandpa caught one of the intruders! Maybe we can get them to tell us how to get you back!

Moved at his son's determination to find a solution, the youth warned the black dragon.

"Traveling between worlds is dangerous and has a heavy cost. Hunters are individuals who freely break the rules and cause worlds like the one I'm in now to fall into ruin. If you try to do what they do, you will either have to shed blood or sacrifice someone. I don't want that. Okay?"

Reluctantly, the 5 years old nodded in understanding prior to burying his face in the eldest entity's chest. This was the longest he had been separated from his guardian since they met.


Meeting his partner's gaze, the deity patiently waited for him to continue.

-What do you mean that planet there is in ruin?

Ambers peeked at the screen curiously as the God of Love mournfully disclosed.

"When I arrived here more than a month ago, approximately 81.29% of this world was covered in dead mana and had lost its function. Amna's presence here was so weak that they couldn't easily influence the planet so famine and drought started to spread over the remaining land."

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