Chapter 284

387 28 12

AN: I know it's short. I promise the next one will be longer. Enjoy!


Sometime after midnight the eldest of the mortals awoke from his slumber due to one of his magic alarms being triggered. For some reason, it was the one he had set up back at the God of Love's villa on the Eastern Continent. Swiftly, he got pulled on a robe prior to teleporting to its location. Using invisibility magic, he searched the premises and soon discovered two humans who radiated dead mana collapsed on the ground near the garden. Both were trembling due to the direct exposure of a reddish black cloud that was swirling around them. In fact, everything it touched seemed to die. However, unlike normal dead mana, this unnerving mist almost seemed to have its own consciousness. Eerily, the strange mist twisted into itself as it slowly wrapped around their throats. Just what was it? Furthermore, why did such an existence make him nervous even though he was a great and mighty dragon? Instinctively, he sent an alert to the others who were coparenting the baby deity with him. Whatever this creepy cloud was, his instincts were shouting at him to keep the 19 years old away from it.

Now he just needed to figure out if he should save the two members of the lower race. If he considered what his unofficial child would do, the boy would definitely save the innocent people who only trespassed on his land because they were trying to escape death.

Clicking his tongue in slight annoyance, the ancient dragon waved his hand and golden dust surrounded him. Within seconds, his attribute launched towards the mysterious entity. Instantly, an explosion came as the dust made contact with the cloud. To his surprise, the reddish black mist stopped its hunt and appeared to turn towards him.


An extremely chilling voice flowed directly into the blond's head.

-Must grow stronger...

Subconsciously, the gold dragon flew backwards in order to put some distance between them.

-I need another sacrifice...

Spreading out even more of his dust, the blond prepared himself for combat while growling.

"My life was extended by a God. Don't you dare think I'm going to let myself die that easily."


Immediately, the strange existence charged towards him. Although before it could reach him, a surge of white divine energy blocked its path. A familiar man with long snowy hair suddenly appeared in front of him. Rose gold vines almost seemed to grow out of his flesh to form a barrier while piercing reds glowered at the eery cloud.

"To think you'd have the gall to try and touch someone who is currently under the protection of my Liege's child. Moreover on his own land. Back off now before you seriously regret it."

-Need more despair...

Pulling out a beautiful blue camellia bloom, the God of Life's Saint coldly announced.

"You won't find any here."

As soon as the words left his lips, the representative activated the divine item and a vortex formed between them and the reddish black cloud.

-Give me, Love-

Before the voice could even finish speaking, the strange existence was pulled into the vortex by a massive white vine. There was a serious expression on the holy man's face as he remarked.

"Never going to happen."

Once the entity was gone, the duo cautiously descended to the ground. Even with the mist gone, their bodies were still trembling. Quite a few of the solid black lines on the woman's skin were unfortunately starting to bleed like paint. Golds widened when they noticed this. Without any signs of hesitation, the white haired man crouched down and carefully started performing an exam of her overall health. His lips curled down slightly when he confirmed his suspicions.

"Dead mana overdose poisoning."

Finally, a familiar surge of mana came from the inside of the villa. It took a couple minutes for the Molan duo, raven haired sword master, Gods' representatives and the other adult dragons to reach their location. Out of them all, the necromancer was the first to rush to assist the pair.

"What happened?"

Meeting the assassin's gaze, the eldest of the Saints calmly explained.

"These two traveled here from Sha-Orlen in an attempt to escape the attack which was instigated by the Cursed One's followers on the capital of the Isca Empire."

Extreme bloodthirst radiated out of the group around him.

"Are they Hunters?"

"One is."

Molten browns glowered at the quivering pair who were getting treated by his son's chosen Holy Maiden. If they were Hunters from Sha-Orlen, then there was only one family he could think of that would also know the location of this villa. His hand tightly clenched his no longer concealed dagger. Why in the world would a Black Blood use these very coordinates to escape an attack?

"As soon as their conditions are stable, we will relocate them to the underground palace's dungeon. We can find out their true intentions when Cale wakes up in the morning. Until then, we will take turns monitoring them."

Everyone nodded to confirm that they understood the assassin's plan. Only three people were concerned about the female's unstable condition. One being the necromancer who ended up refusing to leave the other woman's side. After all, there was a chance that she could die if they didn't continue to control the levels of dead mana flowing through her body.

The moment they returned, they discovered the youth's reincarnated mother was there waiting for them. Her arms were crossed across her chest while her sharp red-browns immediately focused on the black mage. Directly next to her was the teenaged spearman who aimed his weapon at the now unconscious blond.

"Were the Black Bloods trying to kidnap my baby again?"

Shaking his head, the patriarch of the Molan Household disclosed.

"They were escaping an attack. Ilu-nim has ensured us there is no connection between them and the God of Despair. For now, please leave all interrogations until after Cale has had a chance to have a chat with them."

Surveying the mortals to ensure they were listening, the assassin added.

"He will be the one to decide their fate since he, the God of Love, is the master of this palace."

No one argued or refuted his words. Even though many were worried about letting the 19 years old near people connected to one of his previous kidnappers. After everything was prepared and the group of guards had been selected, the assassin quietly went upstairs to check on his youngest. Relief filled him when he saw the deity was slumbering peacefully with his kids. Faint traces of light were on his face which confirmed he had been crying in his sleep. Gently, the brunet wiped the radiance away with a damp cloth. No matter what happened, he would protect his adorable precious puppy of a son. Taking the time to ensure that the noble and each of his grandchildren were comfortably tucked into bed, the immortal strolled over to his cot and got settled in for the night. His dagger was hidden under his pillow just in case he needed it.

An hour after the head of the Molan Household had fallen asleep, the Night Hare groggily crawled into his bed. Rubbing her mismatched eyes, the little girl cuddled into her grandfather whose arm instinctively wrapped around her in a protective manner. A very small smile crawled across her lips while she drifted back to the realm of dreams.

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