Chapter 321

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After an hour had passed, a knock ran out on the door prior to the head of the Molan Household entering the room. Browns expertly located his youngest who was still enveloped in a shroud of multicolored divine energy. In his hands were the signed forms which were being held as if they were an irreplaceable and cherished treasure. Happiness radiated out of the youth's distracted form. Chuckling at his son's reaction to receiving the completed adoption papers, the brunet strolled over and affectionately stroked the teen's no longer dyed blood red hair.


Glowing silverish emeralds peer up at the assassin who had an understanding smile on his lips.

"It's time to go."


To the older man's surprise and amusement, the deity tightly hugged his waist and breathed in his familiar citrusy scent. His very existence tingled in sync with the God of Love's emotions.

"My grandkids are getting hungry. According to what Niall heard from the palace, Her Majesty has prepared a feast for us once we arrive."

Instead of pulling away from his father, the deity nuzzled even closer into the other's comforting warmth. His lips were curled up into an innocent smile often seen when a child greeted a loving parent who had been away from home for a while. It was the exact one he had shown the First Countess whenever she came home from performing her official duties. Amused by his puppy of a son's adorable behavior, the brunet stroked the 19 years old's back and whispered.

"Thank the Gods he can still make an expression like that..."

<Expression? What sort of expression did I just make?>

Reluctantly, the redhead loosened his contact enough to look up at the immortal. However, there was a shockingly loving grin on the assassin's face. One which made the welcomed tingling sensation become so strong that he nearly lost himself to its control. Just as he was closing his eyes, the older of the duo kissed his forehead and released him. This caused the teen to stare at the former human in disbelief and sorrow. Undisguised reptilians shook with hints of betrayal in them. Pleading with him to change his mind and hug him again. Exactly like a puppy.

"I know your happiness is key to your maturity as a God, but you can't forget we aren't currently at our home. Right now we are in potential enemy territory. Even if we want to trust Her Majesty, we have to remember that this kingdom is being manipulated by purists who abhor non-humans like us and your kids. Once we are safely away from their reach, I promise we can spend more time together like you want us to. Alright?"

<S*- Crap!>

Instantly, the youth's face became stoic while his ears became a dark red.

"Who in the realms said I wanted to spend more time with you?"

<How can a mere sensation be so intoxicating? Is this what it's like to truly be loved? Could this be true happiness? Why does it f*- freaking feel so good?!>

Doing his best to hide his embarrassment, the deity hastily regained control of his divine energy which allowed the ring of disguise to reactivate. Behind him, the man who raised him did his best to hide his growing smile. More sides of the puppy he had seen as a child were gradually re-emerging with time. Hopefully, the boy his youngest would be free to express himself the way he did before the pain and despair had shattered his sensitive heart.

"Let's go."

Without another word, the duo exited the room and hurried to meet up with their family. From there they boarded their assigned carriages provided by the Queen of Roija. In a matter of minutes, the Roan Kingdom's delegation had departed for their final part of their journey. Soon they would arrive at their much anticipated destination. Many were excited for what the future would have in store for them. Only one person couldn't shake off an inexplicable foreboding sensation which was rapidly replacing the delightful one from earlier. One which grew stronger each time they passed a shop or inn which had a sign posted on their doors stating non-humans were not welcome inside. Anger burned in his dyed red-browns.

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