Chapter 299

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A quiet groan came from the no longer disguised deity when he shifted his stiff body. His hand brushed against something soft. At the same time, a pleasant sweet scent wafted up into his face. Reluctantly, the youth opened his eyes to see that he was surrounded by hundreds of varying colored flowers. Each one he recognized from his first life. They covered the ground and his body as if to protect or comfort him while he had been unconscious. Brilliant gold rays of sunlight crept through what appeared to be a barrier made out of vines above him and danced along his snowy eyelashes.

Rolling onto his side, the 19 years old struggled to push himself up into a seated position. It took him a few tries before he finally succeeded and could get a better look at his surroundings. As far as he could see within the boundaries of this unusual enclosure were delicate blooms which danced in a very gentle breeze. To one side of the makeshift shelter, was a hole which was covered by smaller vines that had tiny white blossoms growing out of them. Was that the exit?


Relief filled the noble when his adoptive father slipped through the dangling branches and strolled over to him. Swiftly, the brunet set the bundle of blankets, towels and a change of clothes for his youngest onto the ground next to him. Then he knelt down in order to assess his son's condition. His shoulders visibly relaxed when he confirmed that the youth was physically almost back to normal. There were no traces of the despair left in his body. Not even a scar on the flesh where he had been stabbed. Only the dry liquid radiance on his torn clothes and the lingering exhaustion served as proof of his declining health over the last several days. Once he was certain that his child would indeed be alright, the immortal pulled the deity into a tight hug.

Instinctively, the 19 years old cuddled even closer to the man who had raised him. Records of the time he had spent in the illusion flowed into his weary mind. Even though he was stuck in a trap created by his opposite, his family had come to save him. The God of Love buried his face into the crook of the assassin's shoulder while his fingers dug into the fabric covering the other man's chest. It was taking everything in his power to resist the urge to cry as happiness began to overpower his fear and despair. Unfortunately, he failed and multicolored radiance started to stain both his cheeks and his father's shirt.

A familiar warm hand gently stroked his head while the immortal sat with his crying son. Browns peered down at the deity as their owner imagined how frightened the noble had been when he thought he'd be all alone in that illusion world. Not having anyone to love or protect him from the pain. Gratitude radiated out of the patriarch of the Molan Household. Things would have gone a lot differently had the Gods not assisted them in breaking into the Cursed One's illusion world.

Stealthily, multiple sets of curious eyes peeked through the vines. Amongst them was a worried set of sapphires who glanced at the eldest kitten. She shook her head at him before leading the youngest trio back towards where their guardian's partner was waiting for them. Their uncle had immediately started to prepare breakfast as soon as he woke up. Even the representatives were already up and moving around. Only their father had remained unconscious until now. Just what had happened in the Cursed One's illusion world?

After a while, the 19 years old began to calm down and loosened his hold on his father. To his surprise, a damp cloth started to wipe the light off his tanned flesh. There was an understanding expression on the immortal's face as he skillfully worked. Neither dared to speak as if they were in unspoken agreement not to discuss what had just happened. Once they were both clean, the duo changed into a fresh set of clothes and the assassin focused on styling his youngest son's extremely long snowy locks. It now reached the back of his knees when he stood up.

-Father. Dongsaeng. Breakfast is ready.


Silverish emeralds sparkled at this news. Eagerly, the noble jumped to his feet and rushed towards the exit. However, a hand quickly grabbed his wrist before he could step through the protective barrier of the vines. Confused reptilians focused on the older man who simply slid the divine item of disguise back onto his son's finger.

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