Chapter 277

490 37 8

Multiple hours later, a deafening alarm started to go off throughout the tower. It originated from one of the rooms on a lower floor. Many of the researchers started to rush out of the archives to investigate. At first the God of Love didn't think anything about it. He finished up the file he was reading and set it down on top of the ninetieth pile of read research documents to be made next to him. Since the alarm was still going off, he decided to check on his family and instantly stood up from his seat. Why were they in the very room that the Thames were gathering around?

<S***! Something must've happened! Did one of the kids accidentally break a device?>

Before anyone could stop him, the deity rushed out of the archives towards his young flock's location. Unfortunately, a mass of people had gathered in front of the elevator platform making it unusable at the moment. Frustrated by the situation, the noble swiftly searched his surroundings prior to discovering the quickest route to his family. A few redheads noticed him heading for one of the floating pathways which had an eight story drop to the main floor. Confusion immediately turned into disbelief when the 19 years old jumped over the railing.

<Shouldn't one of the dragons have contacted me by now? Is this not a serious matter?>

Instinctively, a woman tried to grab into his arm in order to save him. To her horror, she missed and she watched him fall down towards the first floor. Gasps and murmurs filled the crowd while those on the upper floors rushed over to the railings to watch his descent. Their hair fluttered in a gentle breeze directly before the youth gracefully landed on the ground with his feet. None of the onlookers knew he had used his wind ancient power in order to safely reach the ground.

Launching himself forward, the youth expertly maneuvered through the mortals and arrived at his destination. All attention focused on him when he entered the room. There were numerous devices and monitors along the walls around them. Dyed red-browns briskly examined every member of his family before landing on his second youngest son. Wide innocent eyes were looking around at the adults in innocent bewilderment. In his tiny hands was a small device that was flashing a bright white light.

<Did the alarm go off when Kasul touched it?>

Strolling over to the emerald haired boy, the noble scooped the child up and queried.

"What happened?"

His cousin was flustered while she hastily tried to explain.

"Your- It- He- How- Where-"

Thankfully, the eldest of the mortals in the room spoke up on her behalf.

"We've been trying out the different devices here and Kasul wanted to try out the one that Airi had been using. For some reason, the alarm went off the moment he touched it. So far Lyza has only been able to confirm that it's not broken."

<Do you know why Aegle?>

-That's a device capable of identifying a person's race.


Using his handkerchief, the deity removed the item from the boy's hands and handed it back to his cousin. Her pupils shook by his actions. Clearly, he was aware of its use and abilities.

"Don't go testing or documenting my children's races without my permission. Got it?"

Her mouth opened and closed a few times as she processed his command and nodded in understanding. Hastily, the woman returned the machine back to its place on the wall and started typing in the code necessary to disable the alarm.


A stocky man ran into the room with a large notebook in his hands.

"Is it true? Did you really discover a new race? Where-"

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