Chapter 359

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A piercing white gold stare stabbed into the betrothed couple as they cuddled together on the sofa. Minutes flew by as the dark elf fed pieces of carefully peeled and cut up fruit to his fiance who was obviously ignoring the relentless gaze. Due to the steadily increasing anxiety that was radiating out of his future husband, the youth finally opened his eyes and focused his attention on the silent chimera. Without breaking eye contact, he reclaimed his partner's no longer gloved hand and kissed the rose gold ring which adorned the other's finger. His actions were clearly possessive to the mixed bloods. Causing the younger of the mortal duo to blush while covering his mouth with his free hand. Another sigh came from the ancient blond who at last averted his gaze. It was evident that the teen was not going to change his mind regarding his chosen lover.

"You told me the last time we met that my heart had a brother and mother. Do you really think they're going to accept an abomination like myself into their family?"

<Of course they will. Sheritt has literally waited centuries for both you and Raon.>

-Mother? Brother? Wait- Did Mila-nim have another child?

Instead of answering either of their questions, the 19 years old selected a cream filled bun from the tray closest to him. Powdered sugar clung to his fingers. With a small frown on his lips, the oldest man in the room stealthily used magic to wet a handkerchief. Silverish emeralds widened when the damp cloth appeared above him. Peeking over at the person responsible, he saw they were attempting to act disinterested. Just like his third youngest son often did.

<They really are quite similar. If only Sheritt had been able to raise them herself. Then both he and Raon would be able to freely express themselves like Dodori does...>

As soon as his hands were clean, the noble somewhat reluctantly sat up and snatched a bottle of white wine off the table. Neither mortal spoke while he skillfully opened it and poured them each a glass. Nor did they refuse the alcoholic drink that a God had personally prepared for them. Surprisingly, it had a floral aroma unlike the fruity liquors often favored by the natives of the Western Continent. Noticeable hints of honey playfully tickled their taste buds.

<Let's also loot their wine cellar before we leave~>

Soft clinking returned the mixed bloods' attention back to the teen. His glass rested on the now empty table. Bewilderment could be seen on the pair's faces as they realized that every single one of the platters of snacks and drinks had vanished. Only the magic devices remained since tracing magic was cast on them in order to prevent their removal from the residence. There was no way the Viscount would risk his 'guests' handing them over to the Queen as evidence of his corruption. Especially not after the serious crimes his faction was already caught committing.

"Listen, Jayu. Family is not defined by blood, but rather by the bond and love a group of people have for each other. Even if the heart beating within your chest is the only remnant of her child, I know for a fact that Sheritt will still welcome you and love you. Any parent who willingly waits for decades, centuries and millennia for an egg to hatch would cherish the child born of it."

"But I'm not-"

Chills raced down the ancient blond's spine when the gemlike reptilians focused on him. Almost as if they were staring into his very soul.

"Due to the White S***'s actions, you are an incomplete existence. A half blooded dragon who can only complete two of the expected three growth phases."

Dyed rubies stared at the deity in shock and horror. Just what sort of horrendous experiments had the leader of Arm committed?! How dare he try to play God! Especially by defiling such an exalted existence favored by the Gods themselves! Anger that grew even stronger upon seeing the chimera's pained expression burned in the quarter dark elf's eyes.

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