Chapter 258

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It took half an hour for the youth to return. When he did, the entire training grounds instantly went silent since the servants and knights did not know how to react or feel about the things they'd just learned. None of it made any sense to them. Was their first young master really a God and not a human like their lord and his first wife? Furthermore, wouldn't the temples have announced a God's descension? Come to think of it, they did treat him like he had a higher status than all the Saints and Holy Maidens. Were they actually aware of his true identity, but simply chose to keep it a secret from the public? Several of the swordsmen nervously glanced up at the now clear sky. Did the weather change like this in the past and they just didn't notice?


Embracing her eldest brother tightly and protectively, the young brunette inquired.

"Are you okay?"

His face was expressionless when he answered his dongsaeng.

"Of course."

-Your Excellency. There's seriously no reason for you to act strong right now...

Shooting a quick glare at the purple haired holy man, the redhead affectionately stroked his sister's head as he started to address the Count.


Suddenly, the 8 years old currently hugging him exclaimed in protest.

"Stop, Oraboni!"

Red-browns peered down at his youngest sibling in confusion.

"You don't need to force yourself to talk to a monster like him anymore!"

Her words made the head of the Henituse Household flinch and lower his gaze in shame.

<Ha— That b**** should've suffered more than she did...>

Swiftly, the deity knelt down in front of the sun-kissed girl so that their eyes met. He could sense all the anger, worry, betrayal and fear radiating out of her.

"Listen, Lily. I know you want to protect me, but you should not hate on someone who made a series of mistakes in the past. Mistakes he made while consumed by intense grief, sorrow and despair. Ones made under the influence of alcohol which impaired his ability to think or make proper decisions. Okay? Father made some mistakes. However, he's not a monster."


Silence filled the training grounds as those around the youth processed everything he was saying. Many peeked over at the Count who looked like he was about to cry. What the 19 years old said next baffled the mortals even more.

"A monster is someone who consciously chooses to harm an innocent person. Often it's for their own gain or entertainment. It doesn't matter to these people if it's morally wrong or if their decisions will negatively affect another person's life."

Blues quaked as the brunette took everything he said to heart.

"Our father is not like that. Yes, he did hurt me as a child."

Several of the knights who had served their family for decades looked at their lord in disbelief.

"But I don't hate him for it. After all, he has done everything in his power to change himself and make it so the events of the past never repeated themselves. He has made sure to raise both you and Basen with the love, patience and understanding you deserve. Not once did he strike the two of you. I made sure of that."

His stepmother's eyes widened in surprise. Had he been secretly protecting them all this time?

"If he had, I would have immediately killed him."

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