Chapter 292

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On the fifth day after their departure from the Roan Kingdom, the Crown Prince held a meeting to go over their trip's itinerary. Each member of the envoy swiftly gathered in what appeared to be a battle strategy or conference room. There were various maps spread out on top of the large oval table. Tiny turtles were carved along its wooden pedestals. Once he had confirmed that everyone was present, the fake blond started to explain the route they'd take as well as the inns where they'd stay during their travels. Of course, most of them had been changed since his partner led Amare and had more suitable accommodations prepared for them by his people.

"From there, we will travel through Clarity City to the Dregdyn Kingdom. While we are within the city limits, please be mindful of the believers of the God of Knowledge. Any form of disrespect towards their methods of collecting information or education will have severe consequences."

<They'd definitely faint if they found out their lord gifted me with a massive library.>

Several people glanced at the expressionless youth who was flipping through a thick book that was written in an unfamiliar language. Wouldn't they be fine as long as the One Who Spoke for the Gods was with them? If so, why did they need to worry about their manners around foreign commoners? Especially religious fanatics who did not serve the same Gods as them?

"Next we will-"

A loud bang cut the Future King off. All attention moved to where the door of the room had been thrown open as a large flock of children rushed into the room.


Before anyone could stop them, the group rushed over to their fathers who were shocked by their sudden interruption. While most of the adults had understanding expressions on their face, one man in particular was furious with the kids' behavior. Blacks and dark grays radiated out of him as he glowered at the disrespectful bunch. Sensing the man's anger and hatred, a certain green haired toddler buried his face into his guardian's warm chest. Tears rapidly started to well up in his emeralds while the hands which were clinging onto the deity trembled.

<D**n motherf***ing a**hole!>

"Minister Poldi."

Venom and ice could be heard in the deity's voice when he called out to the human who was openly glaring at his children. This caused the official to flinch. Goosebumps covered his skin when he saw the sharp daggers hidden in the 19 years old's red browns.

"Are we going to have a problem?"

Everyone looked at the Minister of International Trade and Economic Development. Those seated next to him could see his hands were tightly clenched around his copy of their itinerary while he forced a smile and lied.

"No, Your Holy Eminence."


Extremely faint multicolored divine energy enveloped the frightened boy in his arms as the God of Love stood up from his seat. His gaze pierced into the human's flesh while he coldly warned.

"If you have an issue with my children, then you have an issue with me. Should any harm ever come to one of my kids, I can guarantee that those responsible for their fear or suffering will experience a fate far worse than the Jotun Household."

Terror filled every single outsider in the room. Not only was the sheen in the youth's glowing eyes murderous, but the benign smile on his beautiful face made their instincts shout to run for their lives. Wait- Glowing? Several of the officials stiffened up when they realized that the eyes of the One Who Spoke for the Gods were actually glowing! Were they seeing things?

It wasn't until the crashing sound of thunder boomed from outside the ship that the Crown Prince grabbed onto his fiance's arm. If they weren't quick, a hurricane would form around them!

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