Chapter 383

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AN: I know there has been some concern regarding my updating frequency. I am trying to get a stable schedule, however, it's proven to be very difficult. I promise I will continue to work hard to get you the next chapters of my works. And I do hope you, my readers, enjoy them. 


Footsteps echoed through the hallway as the duo followed the servant back to the conference room. Only the occasional whisper or gasp could be heard from a passing servant. After a few minutes, the sound of shouting could be heard from a partially open set of doors. Signaling the end of their journey. Warily, sky blues peeked over at his fiancé. A thin white veil shielded the other's usual stoic expression from view. Resisting the urge to hold his hand, the mixed blood prepared himself for the political battle ahead of him. One which could affect the upcoming wars.

"-wait until His Holy Eminence arrives!"

As soon as the Royal Knights posted at the door saw their Future Sun and the God's Chosen One, they saluted the pair in a very respectful manner. Happiness and respect radiated from them as they did. Now that their assigned task was complete the servant swiftly bowed prior to scurrying back to their other responsibilities.

"There's no way to know if he'll be available to attend! We mustn't disturb him while he's-"

Just as one of the more devout noble's was protesting a minister's demand, the door swung open. Revealing the familiar blood red that everyone had been anticipating far more than the Royal family's golden blond. Excitement and greed flowed out of many of the attendees. Yet there were some who emitted pride, happiness, awe and even affection. All which were aimed at the disguised God of Love. Speedily, an attentive set of red-browns recorded the intended participants of the upcoming meeting. To his surprise, there were more than he had expected.

<Why are all the nobles and their heirs here? I understand the ministers, generals, commanders and admirals. Even those whose families are combat focused or those in charge of territories that will be targeted. So why are barons and viscounts from the Southern regions here?>

Ignoring the numerous gazes fixated on him, the deity located his mortal father who was the only member of the nobility in attendance without an heir. For a very brief moment surprise was visible within the depths of his eyes. An emotion which only a few noticed. Including the King.

<Where's Basen? Shouldn't he have accompanied Deruth as his heir?>

While the redhead was distracted, his future father-in-law stealthily motioned for the Chief of Staff. Once he saw the signal, the secret mage quickly approached the majestic existence.

"Please come this way, Your Holy Eminence. His Majesty has prepared a special place for you as well as some light snacks and drinks to enjoy."

<Special place? Am I not sitting next to Deruth? Snacks? Drinks? Am I the only one who will be eating? What is Zed plotting this time?>

Suspicion was present in the God of Love's gaze which immediately focused on the Ruler of Roan. An unnerving grin was on the middle aged man's lips.

<Just you wait, Zed. I'll make you pay for whatever you're scheming.>

Pausing momentarily to peek over at his partner, the fake blond continued towards the seat next to his father that was reserved for the Crown Prince. Freezing mid step when he saw an extra seat situated between his own and his eldest half sister. To the dark elf's bewilderment, the second and third princes' seats had been relocated to the opposite side of the table. Directly next to the second oldest of his sisters.

Before he was even seated, the quarter dark elf noticed a set of piercing aqua blue irises staring straight at his future husband. Igniting a possessiveness incomparable to even when the Chois and Lee Soo Hyuk doted on the deity. One worse than anything he had felt so far. Why did he feel this way right now? Was it because a relative was targeting his partner? There was no way the King wasn't aware of her feelings? Meaning he was plotting something by placing his fiance between them. Although he didn't know exactly what. Yet.

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