Chapter 211

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Weary red-browns watched in silence as the dragon surrendered himself to the Moon God's wrath or judgment. This only caused the woman's mischievous smirk to grow. Sighing in exasperation, the youth emptied his glass of wine before strolling over to the duo. It would seem it was up to him to keep the older deity under control until she returned back to the ethereal realm. Patting the woman briefly on her shoulder to signal for her to stop, he crouched down next to the man with the buzz cut and calmly greeted him.

"I apologize for my Noona's behavior. My name is Cale. How would you like us to address you?"

Immediately, the mortal opened his eyes in shock. Was he not going to get beaten up for trying to threaten and picking a fight with a God? Staring up at the fiery haired entity, a strange sense of familiarity flooded through him. Why did he feel safe around him? As if he had always known him and could trust him completely. His instincts were shouting at him to protect him no matter what the cost. Just who was this redhead that he was able to make him feel this way? All he felt when he looked at the other intruder was awe and terror.


<Having another dragon on my side could be useful later on in the war.>

A bright smile appeared on the handsome 18 years old's face. One that would send chills down his fiance's back had he seen it. However, it instead caused the older two's hearts to flutter.

-F***! You should seriously smile more often!

"Nice to meet you, Rasheel."

Swallowing subconsciously in response to hearing such a majestic existence saying his name, the gray dragon sat up a little and inquired.

"Do Your Supreme Eminences need something from me?"

Pale blues sparkled when an exciting idea popped into the silver haired woman's head.

"Are you interested in creating a bit of chaos with us?"


-Oh come on, Dongsaeng~ Wouldn't you also enjoy looting some bad guys?

His lips twitched at her suggestion. There were lots of people he'd love to smack in the back.

<Let's target one of Arm's bases on the Eastern Continent then.>

Jumping to his feet, the man with a buzz cut rushed towards his bedroom in order to get changed out of his pajamas. When he returned, he was wearing a tight black tank top and pants which revealed his surprisingly chiseled muscles. Around his neck was a silver chain which matched the earring in his left ear. On his hands were leather gloves which were designed for hand to hand combat rather than style. Cracking his knuckles, he grinned while he asked.

"Who are we beating up?"

"Some annoying humans~"

-Take these and get changed too, Dongsaeng. Also, I brought some of your divine items from the spatial pouch next to the bed you were laying in earlier. Now go. I want to have some fun~

Briskly, the noble disappeared into a nearby room and got dressed into the easy to move black clothes which covered up all of his cracked skin. Dying his hair black using the divine item of disguise, he placed the mask on his face which hid everything except his now emerald eyes.

<Hopefully we don't end up running into the White S*** again...>

Once the trio was ready to go, the dragon teleported them to their newest destination. They were now standing outside of a large gated off three story residence. Behind it was a warehouse which was guarded by lower ranked members of Arm. Using the shadows as a cover, the God of Love analyzed the situation before instructing telepathically.

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